We Are Not Alone...

Started by steveL, May 03, 2012, 01: PM

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Diplomacy is the ability to tell someone to go to hell in such a way that they look forward to the trip.

fred c

If they aren`t bothered about an attack on "Soca", i don`t hold out much hope of receiving police assistance in finding the culprits in the case of HTH.


There is no real defence against a determined DDOS attack. If someone wants you taken down (and they have a bottomless pit of council grant money sloshing about) then you are toast. The  lesson is not that 'you' are vulnerable but that the attacker is so pis*ed they have to lash out. Once they react then you know they are worried................
For the record I have met far more people who know about the Manor Mafia after the DDOS attack on HTH  than those who knew about them when it was just gossip between  the  site regulars.
You could not get a better example of an own goal!