Started by grim reaper, August 07, 2018, 02: PM

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grim reaper

From the outset I couldn't be sure which way to go.  :-\
Is the EU for the common good, or is it self-serving?  :-\
Over the last 2 years we have witnessed nothing short of a total abhorrence for this country of ours, from both EUSSR apparatchiks and the so-called 'elite' of this country and pathetic, facile Westminster bubble politicians.  >:(

When the likes of disgraced Mandelson, Bliar, Brown, Alistair Campbell,  along with the jumped up G. Miller, M. Barnier and Juncker tell us our best hope is to stay in the EUSSR, then I KNOW we ought to be OUT!  >:(

The person behind A. Merkel (M. Selmayr) is himself trying to attain the post of Chancellor in Germany. He is the strong man driving the large wedge between the EU and the UK.
He appears to have a thorough dislike of the UK, possibly similar to his 2 grandfathers, both of whom were in the German army during the war.
Oh dear, he'll be off again...I've mentioned the war!

Why are people stating we can't work with Europe if we are out of the EUSSR?
How did we build Concorde in unison with the French, before the EU?

How did we trade before 1973 and the EEC?

The rest of the world are clamouring for our goods and us to trade with them...it is only those with a hidden agenda that want to keep us under the yoke of the EUSSR.
Like Mandelson's large EUSSR pension...he HAS to push their case otherwise he loses it.
Whatever this former communist advises, you know to go in the opposite direction!  ::)

The corrupt pack of cards is about to tumble; 'European' countries have gotten wise...the 'one size fits all' Euro does not work.

Likewise the HBC pack of cards is about to fall, almost everyone in the town now realises the scabs are in it for themselves and they are going to vote accordingly.
It is going to be an interesting 12 months.