Billy Liar Pants on Fire

Started by DRiddle, January 21, 2016, 11: PM

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testing times

So we've all basically been lied to; not really a surprise, except for the numbers of people involved. which now includes The Hartlepool Mail, Alistair Rae of the the Council's PR Department and of course, Mr Akers-Belcher himself. Should we include the Chief Solicitor and Chief Executive? Is it not their job to stop this sort of thing happening?

Poor Hartlepool. I could weep for my home town, sometimes. How on earth did we become reduced to this?

for fawkes sake

I agree. This whole business is horrendous.

I read of Carl Richardson's contribution to the debate calling for an enquiry into the miner's strike and of how he described Easington at the time as 'like living in a Police State'. A Police State to me is one that has its own propaganda machine and has total control of the press so Carl only needs to look closer to home to find one.
"Remember, remember the fifth of November.
Gunpowder, Treason and Plot.
I see no reason why Gunpowder Treason
Should ever be forgot."

Lord Elpus

In the 2000 elections Labour lost 9 seats.  A Tory Liberal alliance took over the running of HBC for the next two years, the Council Leader was Arthur Preece.

Arthur once told me that their main task was to assess and improve the state of the finances within the Council, he likened it to bomb disposal, every draw they opened held yet another potential financial time bomb waiting to go off at some time in the future.

This current Council leader Calamity Chris has taken the idea of live now pay later to a new level.  The only vision is how to win the next election and they (the Tory/Lab alliance) don't care how much it costs to achieve that.  In my opinion the idea of doing things for the good of the town is lost on our so called Council Leaders, their only interest is self preservation and self advancement.

The SCAB's, Cranny, Wells, Mad Dog, Richardson are the worst of the lot.  All seen as being self serving *#+*'s by many even within their own party's.

Hartlepool deserves better than this.