Work or Walk

Started by Kitchnstauff, September 24, 2013, 12: PM

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Funders will have set out funding stipulations for the wages which are currently being withheld or threatened.  So yes, they should be interested and so informed of the circumstances.  However, sadly they all already know don't they?  And they are doing nothing either by the sounds of it.

I have never seen anything fly in the face of common sense as the continued employment and management regime within MRA.  YES, all Trustees should be hauled across the coals, not just Angie Wilcox.  In fact, it could be said that Angie has not been supported by the Board if she has been allowed to mismanage so badly.  They should have been in charge... so this kind of thing is prevented!  Testing point!

I just cannot believe that people are also allowing the current report from Tom Mitchell to sideline all of this disgusting revelation by saying it is not in the remit of the £20,000.  It just shows that Councillors should not have been steering this as we have simply paid for a cover up when the facts are currently blinding everyone in the face!  This best opportunity to expose and oust this crew is slipping away.  This will certainly be a great October for those implicated as it just might be the month when it is all shrugged off. 

Are you going to just let this happen?

I hope everyone is going to the public meeting to receive the Mitchell report next week to make your views known?

fred c

I think Tom Mitchell was concerned that any Involved mention of the Manor Residents Scandal, may have predjudicial repercussion in the event of any criminal or legal action being brought.

The point about the trustees is extremely valid though, the trustees are ultimately responsible for the behaviour & suitability of the management structure & the staff employed, including the manager.

It would seem in this case the Tail has been wagging the dog & the trustees have either Abandoned MRA as in the case of S Akers Belcher & P Beck, or have been unwilling or unable to exert any control over the manager.


I hear on the grapevine that Wilcox has told everyone to go back to work and they will be paid next Friday..............15 days late!!!!!!!!!!!! and next month :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o