Work or Walk

Started by Kitchnstauff, September 24, 2013, 12: PM

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That's what the staff at MRA have been told at a meeting this morning! work for nothing till the fraud squad have finished or walk, that's fine for AW and the MC to say that but how can you claim benefits when MRA have not paid in your NI contributions?

She told the staff the reasons for not getting paid this month is because someone, no name mentioned of course, closed the account at Lloyds, apparently they are opening a new account and they are waiting for the paperwork to come through, then she goes and contradicts herself by saying it could take as long as 6 months.

If she does manage to open an account? where is she going to get the money from to put in it?

At the end of this month Connected Care goes to HVDA, NYPD and the Children's Services are being taken over by West View Project, so what's left for Wilcox to manage? a few volunteers and an empty building,  so what do the staff do? work or walk.


Personally if that is what the employees have been told then I would advise speaking to the fraud squad/council....

I do not understand how, if you have a bank account with money in it, you can close it and then that money has just disappeared?!?

Surely the fraud squad would not hinder legal wages being paid....

My advice is ask questions, challenge AW on what she is saying, is she working for nothing?....As a director her priority should be her staff and if that means she goes without then so be it....Where has the money gone that was in the bank account that has been closed? Or has the account been frozen by the fraud squad not closed? 

Personally the employees of MRA need to start standing up for themselves...It sounds very much like they are just taking whatever is being said them and not doing anything about it by waiting for other people to fight their battles for them....4 people have stood up and successfully been counted...Where's the rest?

If you think you're being wronged say something to people who can do something about it....No matter how "bent" you think the council/police are, at least you can say you tried.....Putting it on here is not going to achieve anything other than causing a possible mistrial if it were to go further....


I agree with everything posted by cc082.. add to that a trip to the CAB.. it is morally wrong and illegal practice she is trying to undertake


Quote from: ARC86 on September 24, 2013, 02: PM
I agree with everything posted by cc082.. add to that a trip to the CAB.. it is morally wrong and illegal practice she is trying to undertake

But you will not see a single quote by a member of the Labour Group on this issue. They have all taken a vow of silence because it reflects badly on the party. The local MP is also keeping his head down .
Party above all  and bugger everyone else. 


Forget the politics....That's not the issue here and nowhere in any of the posts has a political stance been mentioned because everyone already knows....

This is a straightforward legality/employment law discussion....Politics does not need to come into it.....

We need to stop politicising everything.....The posts previous to yours MK1 are not political at all....I'm not agreeing or condoning what is happening politically but sometimes you just got to move on and deal with the grass roots problems....


The whole problem is a political problem and trying to pretend otherwise  only helps the culprits escape justice I think maybe you are under the impression an attack on Labour corruption is an attack on Labour. The Tory group are just as silent and they knew full well what was going on. They are as much to blame as the 2 fatties gang.
Wilcox has powerful friends in the Civic who are doing their very best to hide the extent of the criminality. The issue is highly political and nearly every politician in Hartlepool has a finger in this pie.

I have seen many attempts to deflect blame by claiming Wilcox was an 'outsider' and a recently elected Labour councillor but I can post you dozens of photos that show them all grouped round Angie and mugging for a Mail photo. Even recently discharged Labour stalwarts are keen to hide the support they gave her before they were kicked out.
No sir Wilcox was at the heart of the controlling  clique on the council and her fellow conspirators  gave her millions of pounds just because she was a  trusted member of the gang.
Perhaps you  could complain to Cranney and see how much help he will give you?
It is all politics but hey if you have fallen for the ' nowt to do with us mate'  Labour line then  carry on............


I'm well aware of all the politics I am merely pointing out that the original post here is about things that have apparently been said in a meeting this morning between employees of MRA and their manager AW.  That is what I am commenting on and discussing, again, we all know the political stance from the parties so why do we have to keep bringing it up time and time again.....

This discussion in particular is not political in my opinion, it is a discussion that has been opened up for what looks like advice...And I have given my advice from an employment law stance....Thus ends my contribution, I am just getting tired of everything coming back to politics and the initial discussion/subject is then lost in the ether...Hence my 2nd post...

I am not pretending anything...I am trying to stay lawful....


You can resort to law if you want but I think any victory will be hollow. MRA have no money and will not be paying any compensation. The only other way forward is to go after the Trustees and  that means getting political.

I could be Devil's Advocate here and ask why, when everyone working there  knew MRA was corrupt and awash with cash payments/favours for friends and relatives no one spoke out about it?
Why only start  complaining now?

For instance what steps did you take?


I completely agree with you on your second point....In my opinion the employees are MRA have to stand up and start using their voices in the proper manner hence why I have put that in my initial reply....

Quote from: CC082 on September 24, 2013, 01: PM

Personally the employees of MRA need to start standing up for themselves...It sounds very much like they are just taking whatever is being said them and not doing anything about it by waiting for other people to fight their battles for them....4 people have stood up and successfully been counted...Where's the rest?

If you think you're being wronged say something to people who can do something about it....No matter how "bent" you think the council/police are, at least you can say you tried.....Putting it on here is not going to achieve anything other than causing a possible mistrial if it were to go further....

I can fully appreciate that the fight is bigger than just this one discussion, but I was simply just trying to keep on subject....I'm not here to make enemies....


I suggest anyone in difficulty contact their local councillor. The man below gave a very firm assurance he would not desert them...................

fred c

If you are an employee of MRA & Wilcox has given you that ultimatum............Contact CAB........In Park Road ASAP...... You should also do yourselves a favour by contacting Cleveland Police ECU ( Economic Crime Unit ) & let them know what your circumstances are..... has Wilcox been paying your NI & Tax, for instance

The People who work for Manor Residents really need to break the stranglehold Wilcox has over them, they should ask themselves is it worth taking a chance that MRA will survive ?

This odiuos Creature has already Shat on some of your friends & workmates, are you prepared to let her do the same to the rest of you, they only way to deal with a bully is to stand up to them.

I don`t know for sure, but i suspect that the Work or Walk Bulls*t by Wilcox could well be construed as Constructive Dismissal & could result in an Employment Tribunal.

But as with the 4 previous claimants it is far from certain that monies owed will be payed, but they will at least be creditors & any legal action against the Inept Board of Trustees may provide some form of redress.

Where is "The Dear Leader & His Consort" in all of this, are they popping up to Kilmarnock Road offering "Support & Advice" to the employees of MRA or are they off having a fun time at "Conference"........

The Biggest Scandal in Hartlepool for years & not a peep out of "The Mob"


Cc082 they always make it political.. well how about keeping politics out of this.. there are people not being there wages this month and have bills to pay and all you harp on about is Labour did this or that.. get a grip its peoples lives were talking about here and we should be trying to find a solution not start naval gazing

Land Phil

Hasn't the fine for not paying minimum wages gone up ten fold ?


Quote from: ARC86 on September 24, 2013, 05: PM
Cc082 they always make it political.. well how about keeping politics out of this.. there are people not being there wages this month and have bills to pay and all you harp on about is Labour did this or that.. get a grip its peoples lives were talking about here and we should be trying to find a solution not start naval gazing

Standard 'put a good word in for Labour ' response from our resident 'not connected to labour'  free thinker.


MK1 ironically im gonna respond to land phils point that Labour are proposing increasing the fine from 5k to 50k