Going down with a fight ?

Started by Stig of the Seaton Dump, April 02, 2019, 04: PM

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Gustaf I of England + BWH

According to the article in the Mail, Barclay and Mammy B are standing in their current Wards as candidates for the Socialist Labour Party - new one on me. Or have they just made it up to confuse the electorate ?


Lucy Lass-Tick

Certainly looks confusing to me - also a stack of unknown names. Wonder how many (and who) might be paper votes/vote splitters?


Quote from: Gustaf I of England + BWH on April 03, 2019, 07: PM
According to the article in the Mail, Barclay and Mammy B are standing in their current Wards as candidates for the Socialist Labour Party -

Does that not mean an automatic expulsion from the Labour Party?

fred c

I think they have resigned from the labour party

Land Phil


Looking across Social Media, Barclay is not getting why you would call support.


Mammy Belcher making a similar statement this morning.

Cannot wait to hear what her "complaints" are that have not been investigated.

She is also claiming that she is leaving labour because they have done nothing about complaints made by somebody she cares about dearly........

Oh to be a fly on the wall when the great and the good of the Acker-Bilk clan got together for a "think tank" to concoct this strategy.

Finally, she has converted to the socialist labour party, i wager she cannot spell the word socialist, never mind explain the definition of socialism.

Inspector Knacker

Quote from: the_exile on April 04, 2019, 08: AM

Oh to be a fly on the wall when the great and the good of the Acker-Bilk clan got together for a "think tank" to concoct this strategy.

The fly would have had the highest IQ in the room.
When these bovine Titans of local politics get together let's just hope they don't have a think tank, as there'd probably be a mass drowning.
They're squealing like piglets in the lorry approaching the Tasty Trotters Bacon Factory as the end of their nodding dog political 'career' approaches the buffers. They rose without trace and will sink without trace despite scrambling for a place in the lifeboat.
What can be asserted without proof,
can be dismissed without proof.


The best tactic would be to get the Khan's involved in the 'Racism' complaint.


One 'good' thing which has come out of the latest shenanigans is it has proven categorically what many on this forum have said for several years. That being, there are clear elements within the ranks of the Labour controlled HBC who in no way at all care about the Labour Party.

For years we've known certain people were only in it for what they can get. In Scab's case, thousand of pounds worth of allowances, in Barclay's case, frequently p1$$ed.

For Mammy Belcher and Rudolph the ex-Mayor to absolutely lambaste the Labour Party now, crying homophobia, sexism, antisemitism and such like tells you everything.

Remember, Barclay's ramblings have made headlines at national level as the right wing press jump on the opportunity to continue to tie Corbyn and Labour to antisemitism. 

Now Mammy Belcher is jumping on the bandwagon claiming God knows what, again attracting headlines at regional level and beyond.

It's crystal clear this little plot has other peoples finger prints all over it and was in no way cooked up by these two.

Mammy Belcher does well to put her slippers on the right feet in a morning. In no way has she penned the ""I feel the Labour Party that we were all proud of has lost its traditional value base and been infiltrated by people who do not share my values of respect and dignity towards others" line.

I wonder what Labour North make of elements within the local Labour Party deliberately hatching a plot which attracts damaging national headlines, in an attempt to cling onto power at local level.

Looks to me like we have current Labour councillors using ex-Labour councillors as pawns to damage future Labour councillors. 

All of which damages the party they all profess to care about.

Crazy times as always.


Quote from: DRiddle on April 04, 2019, 12: PM

Mammy Belcher does well to put her slippers on the right feet in a morning. In no way has she penned the ""I feel the Labour Party that we were all proud of has lost its traditional value base and been infiltrated by people who do not share my values of respect and dignity towards others" line.

She is better placed than many to know about 'infiltrators'.
Its a sad day when a mother has to turn on her son and reveal that he no longer 'share(s) my values of respect and dignity towards others'. It took some courage to condemn her son and partner. Well done Sandra I suspect you just got your last Mothers Day card from Stephen!

Land Phil

Who needs a card when you already got the new build bungalow?

Lucy Lass-Tick

Take a look on the BBC IPlayer for tonight's Look North. Hartlepool's 'finest' in the spotlight.

Inspector Knacker

You wonder how such talentless inadequates could have such an extended period 'running' a town.
I suppose they have the advantage of legacy voters who think that not voting Labour means Hell and damnation and the four horsemen of the Apocalypse will appear, but even that's wearing thin after their stewardship.
Then there's having the advantage of a tickle belly local media that never questioned them or put them under any meaningful scrutiny, which is like allowing your three year old to take over steering your car while travelling at 150 mph down a crowded motorway.
Being unchallenged in power is always bad news.

I suspect if this town was a Tory stronghold they'd have adapted to suit. I get the feeling that they're just political chameleons along for the ride, the branding irrelevant.
What can be asserted without proof,
can be dismissed without proof.