Should we leave the EU?

Started by WiseOwl, April 16, 2015, 09: AM

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£55 Million a day is an awful lot to pay to a club for very little back.
The money could be spent on our own countries many problems.
What part of democracy do our government not understand when they cede 70% of powers to Europeans who meet behind closed doors to make our laws?
So many trawlers are finished because of the draconian EU measures
Wouldn't it be nice to have a far greater control over who comes into our country?


If our euro Mp's (i.e. Farage &co),turned up to vote on fishing quotas,our fishing  industry would be in a far better state than it is at the moment.

grim reaper

I am more and more inclined to vote UKIP as we head towards the elections. They are for scrapping the Barnett formula, scrapping the ridiculously priced HS 2 line to Birmingham, reducing foreign 'aid' to countries that do not require it, (or are run by megalomaniac dictators that simply transfer it to their private accounts in Switzerland...have you seen pictures of Mugabe's palace and his fleet of Lear jets?).
UKIP isn't proposing a 'block' on immigration, simply a points system like Australia. What is so wrong with that?

Instead of the Limp Dims in a coalition with the Tories, I would prefer the Tories and UKIP.
I'm making a big mistake? I voted for Blair in 1997 and look at the mistake that turned out to be!

Lots of people I speak to say they will vote UKIP, if only to get rid of Iain Wright. Well if we don't want Labour and we have seen what a shower of wets the Limp Dims are, why not put UKIP in with the Tories?
If the worst comes to the worst (and I don't believe it will), you can choose another party next time.

'But he's not from Hartlepool' I hear you cry. I would hazard a guess that the majority of MPs across the country don't actually come from the town of which they serve. Mandelson is a perfect example.  ::)
HE was accepted by the town, even though he was a champagne socialist outsider.  >:(
We need to grow up and stop being so parochial.
The Greens? More left wing than Milliband!
That Aussie bird used to be a reporter for The Guardian, for gawd's sake!

We have got to forget past prejudices and think outside of the propaganda fed to us by the big parties; Parties that are desperate to keep a hold of the reins (or retrieve them).

This is our chance to give the political establishment the shock of their complacent, well heeled lives and Vote UKIP.

As an aside, locally it has got to be PHF...pity we can't have an amalgam of PHF and the Independents!
I'm afraid Mr Springer and Mr Hind have not shown any 'spark' in that chamber. When you think of how Brash, Thompson and Riddle have tore strips off the goons opposite, those two have just sat there looking vacant.
As Cllrs., they do not instill confidence.


There is no real alternative to voting for a party who don't block vote on relevant issues but give each member an individual choice to vote independently.
There is only one...UKIP
Only one party is saying what the vast majority of British people want... to get us out of the EU and stop wasting taxpayers money at the rate of £55 MILLION  A DAY!
Nigel Farage is the only leader with the balls to stand up to the tired outdated elitist establishment
Nigel Farage is the only leader to stand up to the biased media.
Cut your puppets strings and think for yourself.
What has the Labour party done for Hartlepool?
There are more empty shops per capita than anywhere else in Britain.
Labour should be ashamed.
The government has failed the area and everyone else not earning over of £100,000 a year!
Labour tory and libdems have all lied
How do we control the mass implsion of far too many unskilled immigrants flooding...UNCHECKED... into Britain?
Anyone wanting to continue this madness should be sent to the funny farm, because it is a waste of time and money and a contradiction to democracy.
Who is actually benefitting from the EU?
Think, then vote to get out of the mess we are embroiled in.
Britain is sinking fast.
Rolls Royce lost to the Germans
Range Rover lost to the Indians
Concorde gone forever
Even the French own our water supply
Britain is the laughing stock of the world, with the biggest capability to be great again but she is shackled to the 4th Reich or EU... think and act on 7th May.


I wouldn't be worrying too much about block votes when it looks like you'll only get one MP  ???
Diplomacy is the ability to tell someone to go to hell in such a way that they look forward to the trip.


steve please refer to the headline and answer accordingly if that isn't too complicated