HartlepoolPost Forum

Politics => National and European(EU) Matters => Topic started by: GreenPoolie on January 21, 2015, 09: PM

Title: Shale Gas Rural Economy Impacts
Post by: GreenPoolie on January 21, 2015, 09: PM
On Monday 26th January, UK MPs will, for the FIRST TIME EVER VOTE on ‪fracking‬ in the UK, via the ‪‎InfrastructureBill‬.
If the Bill is passed unchallenged, we will have allowed fracking to happen in the UK. 
BUT if 50% of MPs vote in favour of the amendments proposed by Caroline Lucas and Norman Baker, we can stop fracking in the UK.
This is a letter I sent to our MP Mr Iain Wright.

Dear Mr Wright
I am writing to ask that you demand David Cameron release DEFRA's 'Shale Gas Rural Economy Impacts' report in full before MPs vote on the contentious Infrastructure Bill on Monday 26th January.
Last month, Anne McIntosh MP asked the Prime Minister to release the report. In his reply, he said "I am very happy to look at that".  Downing Street has yet to confirm whether the Prime Minister had considered the request.
A total of ten MPs have since urged David Cameron to release the report in full including four MPs from his own party. Yet still it remains redacted.  It's crucial that what's hidden in this report is released before the Infrastructure Bill is finally voted on in    
Parliament; so that you can properly understand impacts that fracking will have on our house prices and our communities.
Although the Government has repeatedly said 'the public should be given all the facts', this report was redacted 63 times, including the section on how fracking could affect house prices. DEFRA claim this was best for 'public interest'.
Next Monday, MPs will vote on the Infrastructure Bill, which proposes controversial changes to our Trespass Laws that will erode our land rights, and pave the way for fracking. How can you possibly vote on the merits of this Infrastructure Bill when 63 pertinent points from this report have been scrubbed out?  Please support the amendments to the Bill proposed by Dr Caroline Lucas MP and Norman Baker MP, which call for the removal of the fracking-facilitating clauses and a ban on fracking.
We all deserve to see the censored material in this important document that our government is keeping from us. Don't take away our land rights until you have convinced David Cameron to release the full contents of that report.
Tom Casey