h,pool labour party

Started by jawsbbc, April 04, 2018, 03: PM

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fred c

Quote from: stokoe on April 05, 2018, 02: PM
The man is a total disgrace,also his husband/wife whatever he may be to say he is leader, any other town he would have them kicked the f*c* out,what does it take for this town to wake up and see the total shower of sh**e just raking the money in for themselves.

Stop being diplomatic and tell us what you really think...... :) ;) :) ;)


Quote from: fred c on April 05, 2018, 01: PM
Quote from: DRiddle on April 05, 2018, 08: AM
It amazes me what some people are prepared to compromise for £500 a month. Principles, morality, decency, free will, integrity, self-respect, dignity, I could go on.

There's a list a mile long that showcases the lack of the above qualities in 
people who should know better, people who for whatever reason follow the dictats of a 'leader'

But the most glaring example is the fact the HCLP its elected officers, its councillors and its members took the decision to take no action whatsoever about the dismissal of the then Mayor of Hartlepool for gross industrial misconduct.

Making a request for a day off because he was 'attending a funeral' to telling lies about being 'to ill to avoid a court appearance' was bad enough, but to cap it off with allegations of the mistreatment of vulnerable adults was beneath contempt.

If the 'Change Makers' who believe they are capable of removing the blight that has turned Hartlepool Labour Toxic are serious about it, they could start the process by finally holding "An Immediate Investigation" into the circumstances surround the sacking of SAB.... as per Labour Party rules, something they should have done 3 years ago.

FRED by the looks of it tom cook posted on  hartlepool politics  16 weeks ago  that there had been a investigation into sab read below
Tom Cook
the Hartlepool Labour Party's investigation into Coun Stephen Akers Belcher was taken over by a gentleman at Labour North and they didn't publicise the results of the investigation it as it was an internal matter.
Tom Cook
I'd believe the Labour Councillor as the information I have given is true to the best of my knowledge but I'd assume a Councillor would know more. I wasn't active within the party at the time.

I believe the matter was dealt with by the same gentleman that had dealings in Redcar CLP with some of their councillors. Unless of course I'm misinformed.
Tom Cook
Just had further confirmation from other members of the panel that what I've said re the investigation from Labour being taken over by Labour north. Would recommend confirming with Fiona at Labour North.

Appears that the councillor(s) is/are mistaken unless the panel and investigation has been completely fabricated, then not publicised after being made up.
Tom Cook
That's your right, Chris. People will make their own assessment of the situation based on what information they have provided.

I am disappointed that in light of questions regarding elected Labour councillors' integrity, that we appear to have another elected official using misleading language behind the scenes. Perhaps they are misinformed but I'd suggest spending two minutes on Google to find out about Coun SAB referring himself to the chief whip at the time and the investigation beginning.
Tom Cook
I think the Green Party were/are an anti-Blairite movement in the town that disliked corruption and centrism on the left. I was into it. I can see why these people would be calling out Labour group members if they are faced with a narrative of corruption and cover ups.

It is no secret that Hartlepool Labour have a PR problem and have made reckless decisions in the last collectively and individually (allowance increase and angie Wilcox) but a large percentage of the things put out regarding the Labour Group is nothing short of fictitious nonsense. The councillors won't like me for saying this but they're not smart enough to be Machiavellian, which is part of the reason they need steering sometimes due to consciousness of public image.

fred c

Tom Cook

"The Hartlepool Labour Party's investigation into Coun Stephen Akers Belcher was taken over by a gentleman at Labour North and they didn't publicise the results of the investigation it as it was an internal matter".

Oh I see, so the standing Mayor of Hartlepool tells a blatant lie to his employer to enable him to go on an 'official council' visit to Portsmouth, he then gets rumbled, after being stupid enough to have his photograph taken with the Leader of Hartlepool Council whilst on the deck of the HMS Warrior.

He then compounds the original lie by coming out with an even more outrageous figment of his imagination by 'Whistleblowing' ? spurious allegations about the care of vulnerable adults, the allegations were investigated by his employer and Northumbria Police and found to be groundless, he was then dismissed.

He then proceeded to compound the second lie by coming out with a further fairy tale to avoid going to court.

So basically the "Gentleman from Labour North" thought it wasn't in the interests of the residents of Hartlepool to know their Mayor was a serial liar because it was 'An Internal Matter'........It seems to me that the 'Gentleman from Labour North' is another lacking in Principles, Integrity, Decency and Morality.

Labour Hartlepool.... For the Few.... Not the Many


Like the report (done by Keith Fisher) into SAB providing under-age Labour Party members with alcohol in order to get a position he wanted. That 'report'  was also keep out of the public eye. One wonders why Fisher is still keeping the details secret.


As we've seen over the last few years, Hartlepool Labour and social media are not a good mix. Despite the presence of a council PR officer local Labour have had some real clangers. Barclay's morning after ramblings on facebook, SAB and CAB accusing people of assault over twitter, Doctor Pothole's paid sponsorship of his work in the Headland (or is it central or De Bruce? He's not always sure) and Beck's facebook profile selfie in his dressing gown to name but a few.

It now seems they've decided to try and get a bit of a handle on it and many of them now have official Councillor facebook profiles to help them engage with the electorate. The pages are all very generic except for their names, pictures and ward details. The same promotional Labour videos can be found on them and my guess is they're been ran centrally by one person in the main.

Anyway, whoever recently took over Labour's presence on social media is, as expected, making a bit of a hash of it. It's safe do say in terms of being a 'spin doctor', they're no Peter Mandelson.

We've already seen a clanger from a Labour candidate who very publicly defended the 31% rise in councillors allowances. Which whatever your view on the rise, is a clanger of epic proportions during the run up to an election. How brainless do you have to be to openly say to people you want to vote for you 'I think Hartlepool's councillors deserve MORE money', when the vast majority of the town think the opposite?

I love keeping half an eye on local Labours efforts on social media. It's always worth a giggle. Absolutely clueless the lot of them, the best thing they could do is stay off it. It's a car crash most of the time.

Disgruntled voter