mobile moan

Started by tankerville, December 19, 2012, 04: PM

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It may seem a trivial complaint to make but when lives depend on the outcome of the idiot using a mobile phone or sending texts is just crass stupidity.

Walking out today I spotted no less than five incidents of drivers using mobiles either to talk or text.

If caught their mobile phone should be confiscated and crushed.

Some of the cars had children which makes it even more scary..

Stig of the Seaton Dump

It would be interesting to know how many tickets the police have issued for such offences in Hartlepool.

I often see the police turning a blind eye to 'minor' offences.
Some of the police themselves don't know how to park, don't know how to use fog lights properly and ride about on bikes with rubbish lights on.

....but why should they care considering what example their great leaders set.

Being told off for driving an extra couple of miles in the panda car when the chief lives the life of a king on his corporate credit card ....disrespect.
I don't believe it.


Regarding a blind eye.

Witnessed this at Hart Lane / Duke Street Junction. 2.30pm. a couple of week's ago.

A car went through the lights at speed about 45-50 miles an hour well after they had turned Red a police van was witnessed the incident.

The police van put on his Blue light's and Siren's and took off after him down Hart Lane. 'or so I thought ' then it turned right into Blake Street.

My concerns were passed on to the Neighbourhood Police they informed me that the call was for an incident In one of the unoccupied houses in Rodney Street.

It was a false alarm.

I suppose it was a matter of priority as to which was the highest.