Video of Decembers meeting

Started by DRiddle, January 07, 2017, 08: AM

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I think Cannery said 'telephone or ring me' surely the same thing?

Which as you say leaves no trace and no need for him to explain himself in public with a drivel document written by someone else for him to stumble through. Nice to see that RSPB Saltholme has now fully moved into the tourist hot spot that is artlepool.

They haven't got a clue. I wouldn't let 80% of them wash the car.


Quote from: Riddler5 on January 08, 2017, 06: PM
I believe it's time anyone standing for office should have achieved at the very least a recognised qualification  to undertake the role.
How come we can have people with the intellectual capacity of a haystack  sitting in judgement on multi million budgets when some haven't even been apparently able to master their own language ?

Asides from having a negative iq...a history of failed businesses and a judge commenting that he should not be running a business is a huge red and proper person?

The problem is that aside from a small minority the majority of the clowncillers are sheep being herded by Santas helpers and their organgutang .....their stupidity/ arrogance reminds me of the old days of "Avin te goa in front of cumiteee" as some of our clowncillers will no doubt recall if you were daft enough to let your mates convince you you needed to become a member of a "working mans" club.

The labour and the rest of the clowncil seem to base their style on a cross between Phoenix nights and bullseye.....

Another criminal conviction of a member or person being supported by a member will send the weakest links running for cover blabbing as they do so.

Land Phil

...add the TV series Shameless to the list.


So, post December council meeting, we now know a thing or two, things that should really buoy us up for the start of 2017.

We now know lying Ste is really "proud of the council he is part of" .....and then some other words that were not in English so I don't know what else he believes, but there you go. Ste is proud, "absolutely, absolutely, absolutely, emotionally proud", I also picked out "NHS" and "immigration" but I have no idea of the context they were alluded to, because the connecting sounds he made were not comprehensible to me, and correct me if I am wrong but I am sure that there was a garbled attempt to say something along the lines of "happy children with gingerbread smiles". That can't be right?

That there a number of people sitting in the chamber who can perform syncronised seal impressions (after recieveing a fish). BGT has a slot for that kind of "cwality" entertainment. I was left wondering if my pet Collie could get them into a pen in less that 5 minutes.

That RMW is now an investor in Whitbread's, a recognizer of the disappearance of heavy industry from the town and a firm believer that Coffee Shops will bridge the job shortage! That is some vision. Truly breath-taking in its clarity of thinking, scope and depth. About the investment; I wonder if he found £30,000 he did not know he had, lodged in the pocket of an old coat sitting at the back of the wardrobe. I love it when that happens to me... Well I would if it ever had, but then I am not on the planning committee where allegedly such wonderful "Narnia" like, miracles occur.

That Cranny also speaks a language that must be in the same family group of languages as the one lying Ste speaks. I did make out what I think was something akin to "apologise", "late" and "phone"...but only just and not sure what good it would do me anyway.

That the chief executive actually has no powers when it come to dealing with corruption among public office holders.

That the only erudite people I saw speak who actually want to address the corruption directly were blocked from doing so and that the vested interests who bathe in that corruption, will fight it all the way to a standstill.

Poor Hartlepool. Imagine if we had leaders like these 100 years ago, we would all speak German now, because no-one in their right mind would follow this shower OTT.

testing times

The performances of both Cranney and SAB both remind me of a classic Morecambe and Wise line . . . to paraphrase, "I'm saying all the right words, but not necessarily in the right order."

Remember, just a week or two ago, Cranney was representing Hartlepool addressing a national conference on youth unemployment.

fred c

I find incredible that HBC have no power to Audit organisations they actually fund........ they should insist on examining the yearly accounts & have the facility built into any contract to conduct a Full Audit at anytime, if the CIC or grant funded organisation won't agree to that...... they Do Not get the Public Money.......

How rediculous is it that having a thief & a fraudster as a co-director of organisation that received £680,000 of public money, as WhoCares N/E did the council finance department aren't allowed to audit there accounts.


Quote from: testing times on January 09, 2017, 01: PM
The performances of both Cranney and SAB both remind me of a classic Morecambe and Wise line . . . to paraphrase, "I'm saying all the right words, but not necessarily in the right order."

Not even the right words.

SAB mumbled  'this country has thrived on immigration, its people like it or not'

That shows he does not understand the meaning of 'like it or not'


he did go  to a special school did sab  southbrook/catcote  my brother was there the same time  so none the wonder he cannot put 2 words together my brother could  not believe it when he seen him standing as a councilor

Lord Elpus

Quote from: jawsbbc on January 09, 2017, 04: PM
he did go  to a special school did sab  southbrook/catcote  my brother was there the same time  so none the wonder he cannot put 2 words together my brother could  not believe it when he seen him standing as a councilor

I understand he attended Thornhill, he appears to have a problem with the written word, especially reading out load.


Quote from: Lord Elpus on January 09, 2017, 05: PM

I understand he attended Thornhill, he appears to have a problem with the written word,

Ah so that is why he tells everyone Tufas sold his sole to Santa

fred c

Watching some of the clip again, what is all to apparent is the clear & obvious collusion between Cook & Ms Alexander, he was obviously reading from a prepared list of 'Constitutional Answers', he would then 'Confer' with the CEO for confirmation before he gave an answer to the motion.

Referring several motions to the Audit & Governance committee was obviously the tactic they chose to limit the s**t storm they were expecting, if they think opposition councillors will be stymied by that decision, they need to think again, more & more people are taking notice, social media websites are full of comments about how the LabTor Mob perform on local issues.


QuoteHow rediculous is it that having a thief & a fraudster as a co-director of organisation that received £680,000 of public money, as WhoCares N/E did the council finance department aren't allowed to audit their accounts.

if they had the power fred ms alexander would probably place any evidence under one of her unturned stones
A councillor is an elected representative of their ward, not their political party!
Councils need communities but communities don't need councils
Party politics have no place in local goverment


     Having viewed the performance by Cranney and Co.  earlier I had another look, prompted by the words of  Darkness etc. Then the penny dropped the silly s@ds are counting migrant birds as visitors when he refers to Saltholme.  Very clever politics indeed. In fact a"double whammy".We are accepting unlimited amounts of migrants and calling them visitors as  well.   In the words of Baldrick  a "cunning plan"   The end is nigh. Hopefully.


Can I assume that some of you fine chaps will be standing against these ne'r do wells at the next opportunity?

After all, they shouldn't be too difficult to beat in an election if what you post here is to be believed.

Lord Elpus

Quote from: BresslawoffoftheBunker on January 10, 2017, 12: PM
Can I assume that some of you fine chaps will be standing against these ne'r do wells at the next opportunity?

After all, they shouldn't be too difficult to beat in an election if what you post here is to be believed.

Cracking idea