back to the eighties

Started by stokoe, March 21, 2013, 06: AM

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am i right here or not on the planning application is that one of the wilkies back?

Private Fraser

107 York Road. Isn't that the old Bruce Moore's / Rumbelows / various (ahem) "wine bars"?
"Those who are capable of tyranny are capable of perjury to sustain it."


"Installation of shop fronts/facade to York Road and South Road elevations including the installation of new doors and windows and the resiting of the existing entrance to corner (Retrospective Application)"

Looks like it.....


I'm pretty sure its just been renovated recently.


Well it does say a retrospective planning application. Perhaps they are friends of  a councillor who is leader  of one of the smaller local parties...................

The Great Dictator

Retrospective planning applications are the norm.

fred c

Should HBC allow any such development until the S***Holes already created are removed or renovated ?

mayor drummond made the promise almost 10 years ago to rid the town of its Grot Spots, they are still here, what will the "Cheaper Committees" do to sort out the problem ?

The Great Dictator

Which grot spots do you mean ?


the odeon and longscar hall spring to mind

The Great Dictator

The Odeon was in hand until the reptiles rejected it.

fred c

In truth i can`t hold drummond totaly responsible for the Grot Spots, despite his promise to rid the town of them when he first gained office.

There are Officers on the council who should have got to the bottom of the problem, we have planning, legal, enforcement & all kinds of other full time officers who should, if they are competent been able to get it sorted in the 10 years or so it has been ongoing.

But i am afraid the Grot Spots are typical of Hartlepool, a few sh*tbags who spoil the town for the rest of us.