Adding insult to injury ...

Started by Lucy Lass-Tick, March 18, 2013, 12: PM

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Lucy Lass-Tick

So NHS Trusts are now considering charging patients to call out a GP, or even to pay extra for hospital food/TV access etc..  Should this come to pass, it would mean that the people of Hartlepool would have to pay out towards radically diminishing services; it's good to know that the men in suits have our interests at heart ...  ???


There is already a charge for TV, and the bedside telephone service is charged at mega bucks for incoming calls.

Private Fraser

I'm convinced thats why they ask you to switch off mobile phoes. Its got nothing to do with their medical machines, it cuts down on their income stream if you use your own phone.
"Those who are capable of tyranny are capable of perjury to sustain it."


I was at James Cook on Friday for my pre-assesment there was a family of five two adults and their three children running riot around the waiting room, both 'parents' busy on their mobile phones texting.

There are no notices. Switch off your mobile phone.

Hartlepool General mobiles are allowed in the Ward.

I would not mind paying for my meal if it meant a better choice and gave value for money, but that's only my opinion for what it's worth.

Morrisons charge £1.00 to use their pay phone.

Lucy Lass-Tick

Permission to use mobiles within North Tees seems to depend on what machinery is nearby, as they can interfere with some hospital equipment.

Stephen Allison is quite right about the drawn out spiel before callers can get through to a patient using the bedside phone/TV set up.  As far as I know it's not run by the Trust, but by a private company.