CAB Admits to Meeting - The Wynyard Effect

Started by steveL, February 28, 2014, 08: AM

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Once again the Mail disappoints by failing to mention that the developer's plans contravened the existing local plan - a rather important point given that the local plan would be scrapped just days after the planning application was heard. Nor does the Mail story mention that senior officers had called a pre-meeting briefing which warned members of the Planning Committee that allowing the application would make a mockery of the local plan.

I've posted the above paragraph here because when I posted it on the Mail comments it was removed within minutes. I thought I was entitled given that it was my question that was asked and The Mail managed to make a full story out of it. Apparently I was wrong.

There's nothing in the first paragraph above that isn't true and if The Mail only made the effort, I'm sure they could quickly verify everything for themselves.

The developers have now split the original application in two; instead of one application for 603 houses, we now have two applications for 200 and 400 houses.

This story isn't over yet. We're still sitting on the killer story though people can probably guess what it is. I guess when we do publish it, The Mail will once again reproduce it a few days later minus the more salient points.

Diplomacy is the ability to tell someone to go to hell in such a way that they look forward to the trip.


Steve. Keep up the good work. You are making the Mail look like the council PR sheet that it truly is.

john riddle

I have just acquired this information. If it is correct - well words fail me:
The government refused to fund Wynyard because of the non existent transport links and how far away it is. The government said if they had chosen Queens Meadow to build the hospital the government WILL have funded the new hospital as it was in a town and excellent transport links and ease to get to.


Quote from: john riddle on March 05, 2014, 01: PM
I have just acquired this information. If it is correct - well words fail me:
The government refused to fund Wynyard because of the non existent transport links and how far away it is. The government said if they had chosen Queens Meadow to build the hospital the government WILL have funded the new hospital as it was in a town and excellent transport links and ease to get to.

acquired from where?

Be careful. The last time we 'acquired' information the Trust threatened us with legal action. The information turned out to be true but from the Trust's point of view that wasn't really the point.
Diplomacy is the ability to tell someone to go to hell in such a way that they look forward to the trip.