Who ate all the charitable donation pies ?

Started by Stig of the Seaton Dump, June 26, 2018, 07: AM

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Sad man says they are in the back lane between Collingwood and Sandringham Road.


If the Council hadn't started charging at the Refuse place they wouldn't have to go round clearing up after fly tippers in the majority of cases.


Back lanes are buzzing with Council workers this morning. Taking rubbish/strimming weeds & sweeping up  afterwards. You can't move for yellow jackets and white helmets.....however I have to say all  they are doing is catching up on what they used to do as routine. A cynic would say  CAB deliberately stopped these routine tasks for a while just so he could pose as our a saviour when he re-introduced them. 
Who knows they might even take the old freezer carcass that Carl  promised (whilst he was recently waiting to be re-elected) he would 'see to  tomorrow'. Its been lying there ever since and as there are no pubs or pizza outlets nearby Carl will not see it again until next he is up for re-election!


Wonder who the future director or ceo is in the frame! Suitably attired minus safety basics, do as I say lads and lasses, not as I do. Kinetics well performed. Presentation is .................
Meanwhile the overgrowing foliage inhibiting the many is forgotten for the backstreets of the few.  Any kind of election in the offing!  Any income from the scrap weighin?


Quote from: Heknocks68 on June 26, 2018, 09: PM

Meanwhile the overgrowing foliage inhibiting the many is forgotten for the backstreets of the few.  Any kind of election in the offing!  Any income from the scrap weighin?

I think perhaps 'they' have realized Carl and Katie are completely useless at  being competent Ward Councillors and they better step in to do their job for them.  Katie seems to be more focused on virtue signalling rather than mundane tasks like dog muck and rubbish removal.

Inspector Knacker

The press release had the usual standard reference to cuts, but fear not, our saviour has arrived just in time to rescue the town from disaster.
I can't ever recall so much publicity for an appointment. I'm in awe at the arrival of this apparent municipal super hero/ man of action.
It's a bird, it's a plane, it's a ?
What can be asserted without proof,
can be dismissed without proof.

Johnny Bongo

If the useless turd wants to actually 'clean up' the town, then why doesn't he get a pair of overalls and gloves on, then give the real workers a hand in tidying up!  Go on Stevie, you can do it...can't you?  Will you?  Is there ANY work in you?  There's another great photo opportunity awaiting you...plus some custom overalls with a SAB MAN logo on it.  A nice red cape would be the finishing touch.  A superhero needs an assistant...you could have two! Get Mad Dog and Barclay involved as well in Manor ward.  She could be Jam Girl (James, geddit?) as she regularly creates 'sticky situations' like parking charges, allotment rent rises, tip charges, etc....and he could be BAR MAN......for obvious reasons!   She wouldn't need a cape...she has a broom ;D....and BAR MAN would need a wheelchair, as he's legless, apparently, most nights!   What are you all waiting for....Hartlepool needs you! :o

Inspector Knacker

Are Souperman and the Dear Leader Hartlepool's most photo dependent 'politicians' of all time?
It's like 1984 with all those photos of Big Brother not so much watching you as pouting at you.
This portrayal of Souperman as the Great Saviour/Mastermind is beyond parody.

A quote from George Orwell in 1984, The Party seeks power entirely for it's own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power, pure power.
What can be asserted without proof,
can be dismissed without proof.