Wilcox Proceeds of Crime

Started by steveL, May 03, 2017, 10: AM

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We should find out today how much Wilcox will have to pay back. Don't expect too much because she was only ever proven to have half-inched £7,000 even though some £380,000 was said to be 'unaccounter for'.
Diplomacy is the ability to tell someone to go to hell in such a way that they look forward to the trip.


Crime does pay it seems. Ordered to pay back a pound

fred c

Another 5 years inside would be preferable.......... you can't get any lower than stealing off a charity and the people who work for you....... having said that..... it shows the ruling Labour Mob up for what they are when she actually resigned before they threw her out...... what a sorry state Labour are in Hartlepool.


Quote from: lynda on May 03, 2017, 10: AM
Crime does pay it seems. Ordered to pay back a pound

The way this works is that first the court decides how much there is to recover. For example it would be a complete waste of time making an order for £10,000 against someone who only has £500. Thus the order is confined to what is available to be confiscated. It is not about future earnings or ability to pay so much a week for 90 years  but an inspection of current assets. However the £1  notional  confiscation Order does have consequences.  If at any time in the future Angie gets left an money or property that can be seized. So could a lottery win.
Confiscation Orders are not fines or a tax on future earnings and this confusion has led many  to complain when it does not do what it was never intended to do.


She also gets out the 22nd of this month. If Reincarnation exists im going to do the same,why bother going by the book when obviously crime pays and the Justice System is a joke along with Hartlepool Labour Council. Seems that values and morals dont count for anything these days


She will be released on license on 22nd May having served 6 months of a 20 month sentence
Diplomacy is the ability to tell someone to go to hell in such a way that they look forward to the trip.


Quote from: lynda on May 03, 2017, 11: AM
She also gets out the 22nd of this month. If Reincarnation exists im going to do the same,why bother going by the book when obviously crime pays and the Justice System is a joke along with Hartlepool Labour Council. Seems that values and morals dont count for anything these days

You can steal millions and get a lesser sentence than Angie did for stealing £7000. As sentences for this type of theft go hers was always going to be harsher than normal.
She was only charged with the theft of £7000 so it was never ever going to be what the majority here wanted. Was never even going to get close.
Crime does pay-for some. Cheat as a businessman and steal £100,000 and you might get a 5 year ban as a Company Director. Falsely claim £1000 in benefit and there is no chance you won't get prosecuted, get fined and lose a substantial chunk of any future benefit. The courts are always at the service of those who can afford the best lawyers.

fred c

Quote from: lynda on May 03, 2017, 11: AM
She also gets out the 22nd of this month. If Reincarnation exists im going to do the same,why bother going by the book when obviously crime pays and the Justice System is a joke along with Hartlepool Labour Council. Seems that values and morals dont count for anything these days

Ohhhh No you won't......... you wouldn't want people to call you a thieving, worthless, scumbag for the rest of your life..... apart from that, you have decency, integrity, honesty, principles...... all qualities total lacking in Ex-Labour Councillor Wilcox.

fred c

Quote from: steveL on May 03, 2017, 11: AM
She will be released on license on 22nd May having served 6 months of a 20 month sentence

FFS...... 6 months, 6 f****ing months........... I got banned from council meetings for 6 months and I only called a councillor? a blithering idiot.......but my 6 month ban is subject to 'Review' I have to wait untill later this month to hear if the CEO of HBC will allow me to participate in the councils democratic processes...... I ain't holding my breath


Quote from: fred c on May 03, 2017, 11: AM
......allow me to participate in the councils democratic processes....

Good luck with that one there is no such thing.......


The Victims in this have served a longer sentence than she has, not only did we have to put up with her we had to put up with a useless MP who never uttered one word in our defence, who could find his voice for Sports Direct Employees.Two utter useless Labour Councillors who were Trustees and then they weren't yet we all know they were. When i apply for a job i have to put my last employer and my reasons for leaving. They see that i took my last employer to tribunal and dont want to know. Whats the betting she comes out and finds employment. Mark my words she will do something like this again

fred c

I popped into Asda over lunchtime The Mail was in the racks........ on the front page there was an article about Wilcox, very odd there is nothing that I can see on the on-line Mail...... who has been on the phone to Joy I wonder ?


Quote from: fred c on May 03, 2017, 03: PM
I popped into Asda over lunchtime The Mail was in the racks........ on the front page there was an article about Wilcox, very odd there is nothing that I can see on the on-line Mail...... who has been on the phone to Joy I wonder ?



Put up at 16:00


No mention she was a Labour Councillor or no comments allowed, Chrissy been on the phone ?


Quote from: seaton on May 03, 2017, 10: PM
No mention she was a Labour Councillor or no comments allowed, Chrissy been on the phone ?

There  are comments on the Facebook version of the Mail. 73 so far. Mostly just name-calling and insults.
