Question time last evening

Started by BresslawoffoftheBunker, October 21, 2016, 10: AM

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Quote from: SRMoore on October 22, 2016, 09: AM
it seems odd that the producers deliberately seemed to choose EU/Brexit questions that might stir things up and none about current news as is so often the case.

Hmmm...........Ken Clarke and Ex Greek Prime Minister on the panel. What do you think they were picked to talk about?  Besides putting any UKIP member on the panel 100% guaranteed that The Eu was going to get introduced as an answer to every question they were given.
The UKIP cabbages in the audience were a disgrace. Narrow minded bigots who were extremely intimidating to anyone who dared disagree with their views.  The way Ken Clarke was heckled and shouted at shows the thickos booing the Polish women were far from being an aberration. The mandatory UKIP 'dog whistle' attack on  teachers was spouted by one m**r*n.  UKIP regard ignorance as a badge of honour.


How do you know they were "UKIP Morons"? The people you speak of aren't members of the party locally or I'd know them. Or are you just generalising and claiming anyone who has differing views to your own are now " UKIP Morons"?


The point I've made many times on social media since the show, which people keep ignoring, is there was FAR more than just the incident with the Polish lady.

There were MANY ill informed, misguided comments and heckles aside from that incident. Jim Gillespie spouting the usual 'they're filling up our prisons', line. A bloke snapping "who are you calling a thug?" After he'd just blamed Kenneth Clarke for pretty much everything, pointing and snarling at him. People literally shouting "we want a HARD Brexit!", other things too. It was awful Shane, I sat in the front row bemused, shaking my head and embarrassed. Thank you to Bernadette Malcolmson for restoring some semblance of respectability with her comment.

It was a car crash and the fact that it's all over the national media doesn't surprise me.

Still, at least Tom wasn't there eh?


Quote from: DRiddle on October 22, 2016, 10: AM
The point I've made many times on social media since the show, which people keep ignoring, is there was FAR more than just the incident with the Polish lady.

There were MANY ill informed, misguided comments and heckles aside from that incident.

Agreed, David. I too sat shaking my head on a number of occasions.

Sadly though there were I'll informed comments made against UKIP too though. I was very disappointed to hear Ken Clarke say that as a UKIP Councillor I was not attractive. Gutted in fact. I thought I scrub up alright...


We've all made lots of comments AGAINST UKIP over the years though, right Shane?   ;)




Quote from: SRMoore on October 22, 2016, 10: AM
How do you know they were "UKIP Morons"? The people you speak of aren't members of the party locally or I'd know them. Or are you just generalising and claiming anyone who has differing views to your own are now " UKIP Morons"?

You would have to be a m**r*n to be a UKIP member-unless you join  purely as a career move. Thing is though the best time to open a 'Mobile Phone shop' is when phone sales are on the way up. No good opening one when the market is saturated and sales are falling-hope you understand my analogy!

By the way am I the only one who caught the remark about the Cabinet Brexiteers being of 'low IQ'?



Quote from: DRiddle on September 06, 1974, 04: PMA bloke snapping "who are you calling a thug?" After he'd just blamed Kenneth Clarke for pretty much everything, pointing and snarling at him

I had a line in a previous post that I half expected that cnut to say 'if you don't behave mate I am going to come over there and stick one on you' but deleted it as I thought it a bit over the top. From what you say I was right on the mark.


fred c

With 68% voting for Brexit it really wasn't a surprise that that subject would feature in the program, the real disappointment was the fact the problems faced by the North of England & the North East in particular didn't really feature.

That problem has been ongoing since the 60's & succesive governments of both red & blue have ignored it, apart from the NEDC Marina which was a Tory initiative (painful to say that but true)

As to the behaviour of a minority of audience members, the usual eclectic mix seemed to have been made up with the majority being from outwith Hartlepool, I certainly didn't recognise many faces, thats not a reason, or excuse for the way in which the minority behaved however.

It was highly embarrasing for the town & its residents, but that behaviour is not a true reflection on the people of Hartlepool, unfortunately the media has taken the opportunity to use it as a brush to paint Northeasterners as a Bunch of illiterate Rednecks.


Quote from: fred c on October 22, 2016, 10: AM

As to the behaviour of a minority of audience members, the usual eclectic mix seemed to have been made up with the majority being from outwith Hartlepool,

As I suspected, them bloody immigrants casing problems again..................


I think he was the ex-Finance Minister. The main claim to fame of the UKIP woman, Lisa Duffy are her call to have face veils outlawed and her wish to see the abolition of faith schools - not ALL faith schools, obviously - just the Muslim ones.
Diplomacy is the ability to tell someone to go to hell in such a way that they look forward to the trip.


That was related to the question I submitted. I asked "Lisa Duffy, you've called for British Islamic faith schools to be banned. Will you also be calling for a ban on Church of England, Catholic, Sikh, Jewish and Hindu faith schools, or does your bigotry only extend as far as Muslims?"

It didn't get selected as a question.

Not to worry, I'll ask Tom Hind it next week. ;-)

fred c

Quote from: mk1 on October 22, 2016, 10: AM
Quote from: fred c on October 22, 2016, 10: AM

As to the behaviour of a minority of audience members, the usual eclectic mix seemed to have been made up with the majority being from outwith Hartlepool,

As I suspected, them bloody immigrants casing problems again..................



If you'd left the last bit off you might have stood a chance.  ::)
Diplomacy is the ability to tell someone to go to hell in such a way that they look forward to the trip.


Crazy Nigel is in America campaigning for Donald Trump. Quite what a misogynistic wealthy tax-avoiding immigrant-hating English slug  has in common with a misogynistic wealthy tax-avoiding immigrant-hating American slug escapes me. Anyway Nigel pops up on The Alex Jones Show. Now I know I call UKIPpers nutcases but Alex Jones is a real 1000% nutcase. Stark raving mad. See this short clip for a taste of the idiot

Clearly Nigel sees a kindred spirit here and he gives an interview to one of Jones minions. If you can sit through it note how Nigel positively glows when he talks about Trump how he slates Clinton and Obama.

How long before we have UKIP aping Trump and coming up with a 'Make Britain Great Again' slogan-better be quick before the Scots declare their independence!