Started by dowager, June 23, 2015, 07: AM

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The rumour mill (the pub, obviously) has it that the Akers-Belch famile are moving to Elwick Rise .....

Anyone else been in a pub and have more substantial rumour / truth ?

Lucy Lass-Tick

Quote from: dowager on June 23, 2015, 07: AM
The rumour mill (the pub, obviously) has it that the Akers-Belch famile are moving to Elwick Rise .....

Anyone else been in a pub and have more substantial rumour / truth ?

Has anyone heard subsequent rumours of a dramatic drop in house prices in the environs of Elwick Rise!  ;)

fred c

mmmmmmm if true.... it disproves the theory that S***e does'nt Roll Up Hill

Johnny Bongo

As Elwick Rise is situated near farmland, the smell from the muckspreading from the local farms will cover up the bulls**t that will eminate from the SCAB's new abode (if the rumours are true!)

Here's another titbit...this time true!  Mr Belcher's (S or C...I don't know!) sister is moving into a council house in Macaulay Road...right opposite Paul Beck!  The Sorcerers Apprentice springs to mind! More info as I acquire it!   


Strange, I do not claim to be fully up to date with mortgage lending rules.................................... However one partner on (seemingly) permanent sick leave and the other partner unemployed (and unemployable) would surely struggle to obtain a mortgage of that magnitude............................ wonder if their mate Mandelson helped fill in the application forms


Cash sale.
I hear their bin was overflowing last collection. Rammed full of empty brown envelopes.............


Just a thought, if a person is on long term sick leave, surely HR department should be monitoring the situation.

A few cases spring to my mind, in previous employments I have come across cases of staff  who were
told that their ailment did not preclude them from carrying out their work, for example, female with a fractured leg who was advised that it did not impede her ability to sit at a desk, answer the phones and operate a computer, an older male with severe gout, who despite being in severe pain continued to work at his desk, admittedly, he did this wearing carpet slippers.

If as has been reported on this site, that a member of the council is on long term sick and is unable to work behind a desk, what the heck is he doing attending council meetings ?
No relation to Whattheheck from the mail !

fred c

Quote from: WhatTheHeck on June 23, 2015, 11: PM
Just a thought, if a person is on long term sick leave, surely HR department should be monitoring the situation.

A few cases spring to my mind, in previous employments I have come across cases of staff  who were
told that their ailment did not preclude them from carrying out their work, for example, female with a fractured leg who was advised that it did not impede her ability to sit at a desk, answer the phones and operate a computer, an older male with severe gout, who despite being in severe pain continued to work at his desk, admittedly, he did this wearing carpet slippers.

If as has been reported on this site, that a member of the council is on long term sick and is unable to work behind a desk, what the heck is he doing attending council meetings ?

Was it just council meetings or was he also attending normal everyday council meetings that The Mob have decreed be from 9am ?

If so as council tax payers maybe we should have expected his employer (funded by HBC) to have been asking questions, conversely, maybe HBC should have been asking why they were paying for him whilst he was attending to other similar duties.

testing times

Did I not read on here some time ago that spikey was now back at work?

Land Phil

Production companies representing Benefits Street, Neighbours From Hell, Watchdog and Fantasy Island seen parked at the end of the street.