Boxing champion.

Started by The Great Dictator, May 21, 2012, 09: AM

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Julie noted

Firstly; although I abhor 'boxing' (we won't let 2 animals fight each other until one is knocked unconscious, but we allow humans), well done to Savannah.  :-*

Next, her lack of cogent speech was no doubt due to being breathless after a tough fight.  :P
Try doing a 1/2 marathon and immediately speaking to someone with a microphone.

Thirdly, it was bad of her management to allow the reporter access before she had chance to collect her thoughts and 'get her wind'.  :-X

To me, most footballers sound that way all of the time.........'er, d'yer no wot ah mean, like'   ;)


Perhaps you should be looking at the BBC's reporter and how he handled himself when talking to someone who had just came out of the ring, he stumbled over his words more than she did.   Questions like: "tell me about the work it took to get where you are" and "tell me about the first time you worked oops walked ito a boxing club" and this is what we are paying our licence money for, take another look at the interview and concentrate on him and not her, she should have given him a smack in the mouth for being such a prat.

The Great Dictator

i have never commented on hospital issues because i don't give a toss.

I have offered a solution to the boxing girl to get help which is more than you did.

Its nice to represent the town with dignity unlike the other trolls mentioned earlier, i guess my standards and aspirations for
Hartlepool are much higher than that of you and the rest of the tattoo and pasty brigade.

Stig of the Seaton Dump

The sun is out it officially silly season   :)
I don't believe it.


Talking of Frank Bruno if ever a man was the direct opposite of his 'screen' image then it is he.
I remember a telly prog. a while back where ordinary members of the public were allowed to have their hero stay with them for a few days-a sort of 'Stars In Your Attic' reality show.
Michael Winner was one guest and despite all you read about him he came across as a thoroughly nice ordinary  bloke. A real gentleman.
Bruno on the other hand was a right diva. Rude, arrogant and totally obsessed with his own importance v the little people. He ended up reducing the woman who worshiped him to tears.
The man was a complete pig and a million miles from his carefully cultivated 'know what I mean 'arry' image.

Contact his PR man!


Quote from: testicles on May 22, 2012, 03: PM
Benefitcheat you m**r*n, i have never commented on hospital issues because i don't give a toss.

I have offered a solution to the boxing girl to get help which is more than you did.

Its nice to represent the town with dignity unlike the other trolls mentioned earlier, i guess my standards and aspirations for
Hartlepool are much higher than that of you and the rest of the tattoo and pasty brigade.

If the best you can manage when someone disagrees with you is to hurl abuse to a total stranger, abuse that you would probably report me to the police for if I returned it in the street, then I suggest you wind your neck in about someone who is able to achieve a level of excellence an individual with so much spite as you display could ever dream of.

Come back and preach about standards and aspirations when you have some, but don't assume you are in some way better than me or anyone else simply because of a forum log in.


Is he one of the ABs? I'm worried.....


Quote from: LookslikeTORYagain on May 23, 2012, 02: PM.

And lets have it right, when you look in the mirror do you see a person that would sexually drive the A.B.s mad with desire

I dunno......have you seen the stae of the women they knock about with?

Lovers of the large boned methinks.


Quote from: LookslikeTORYagain on May 23, 2012, 03: PM

Would you be Hartlepool's Raul Moat?

Just picture that genial chap you speak of and then look back at the photo above.....................

In fact this saves you the bother


I'm sure they are but if the local photoshop guru is around....


The Great Dictator

There was a programme on TV last night about those two women..

Greg X

Quote from: mk1 on May 22, 2012, 01: AM
See the 'interview' here

Just watched it to see what the fuss is all about. Given the circumstances she was fine. The BBC reporter was poor - I hope he lives there - I would hate to think that my telly tax paid for his flight and hotel.

Testicles -  B*lls