A Sign Of The Times

Started by Kitchnstauff, October 03, 2013, 05: PM

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I popped Into MRA this morning, just to be nosey if I'm honest, but I thought I had better order something to eat just allay any suspicions, what I encountered while scoffing my bacon roll at a table that would not look out of place in a doss house was far more worrying than the hard overcooked bacon in my bun, the centre on the whole appeared run down and dishevelled! Like most of the staff, it reminded me of someone who is ready to move homes; boxes stacked everywhere and the staff where anything but friendly, there were only four customers not counting yours truly! Who looked like they had been there all morning, must be regulars.

I thought I would do a bit of surfing while I was in there only to be told by AW that Virgin Broadband have got problems and it would take about four days to be put back on, not very likely, pay the bill you say, well that's what a staff member actually told me.

I saw AW putting up signs at a counter with loads of tin foods and other produce on it saying everything 10p, well not to look a gift horse in the mouth I admit I filled a carrier bag, or two, the next I hear her barking orders at Hughie the Scotsman, Hindu, vice chairman of the board, whatever he deems to label himself these days? She and he where frantically at it! No not that!  They were filling black sacks with shredded papers and strangely not putting them in the rubbish bins but the boot of a Citroen Picasso? Now there's a story in itself.

While I sat there I was doing a bit of earwigging! As you do, I heard some of the staff talking about not having been paid for September and how they would be getting it this Friday, one said if I don't , and I quote, "I will rip her F@@@ing face of " a big girl I wouldn't like to get on the wrong side of her.

Well I couldn't finish my bacon butty and I couldn't search for a holiday online but I did manage to grab some bargains, I might pop in next week to see what else she will be selling for 10p? I did see a very nice slush machine sitting there.  8)


AW daughter was seen taking desks out of NYPD today and putting them in a silver car mmm wonder if she having a car boot sale to pay for her liposuction!!! No sight of her new big car tho !!!! She was also seen Tuesday evening giving foul and verbal abuse to Carl Williams mother outside of 1stop at st patricks shops !!!

The Great Dictator


Well Jaffa, If this was during her daughters working hours in NYPD, I would be ringing Dave Wise from West View Project as he is her new manager. Something might get done because she is not managed by mammykins. Kitchen n stuff the place is a disgrace !


Can't understand why the police have sealed off the premises. Is it not a crime scene?


Well! so much for the staff at MRA getting on paid Friday? did not happen, another blatent lie about how the Bank has screwed up again, how many more times is she going to use that as an excuse, mind you there where two members of staff who did get paid, the two fatties, yes they were out on Saturday getting lashed bragging about it, one rule for one, one for the other, i only hope now! that WVP has taken control of NYPD they will get coming to them what they deserve, THE SACK!  8)