Why did they miss out the home of the tall ships ???

Started by Stig of the Seaton Dump, February 11, 2013, 12: PM

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Stig of the Seaton Dump

I don't believe it.


probably because Hartlepool doesn't seem to know what to do with its part of the coastline.

fred c

HBC could quite easily have appealed for a share of this money & they would have been in with a very good chance of getting the £2 Million......

Hartlepool has a unique asset unrivalled by "Any Coastal" town in England, HBC just needed to market it in a more efficient manner, the "Tourism Department" should have been at the centre of the bid for the cash.

What other town in England can boast of 2 "Huge S**t Tips".... With the spin doctoring acumen of Alastair Rae i feel sure the town could have formulated a sustainable bid for the money on that basis.


The crowds used to come-before councillors started doing their mates favours on the Planning Committee.

Anyway Fred I  found a pic of you on the beach when you were a kid, nice white knickerbockers............


What was that tower building on the right of that last picture?


One of a pair of lighthouses. The Seaton one (where Lawson road meets Coronation Drive) was called the 'low' lighthouse (red light) and the other ('high' lighthouse and white) was at Longhill.

The Longhill one (above) was masked  by the North Steelworks (below arrowed, top of lighthouse  just visible in bottom  L/H  corner ) 

and ended up being  rebuilt at the Marina


Ahh I recognized the High Light as soon as I saw those pictures. Thanks, couldn't figure it out from the first one.


The Great Dictator

The crowds stopped coming when Benidorm opened.

Inspector Knacker

Do our councillors have a vision for the town.....? We seem to be being run by people with no obvious manifesto who give out slogans, talk but tell us nothing. It's as though we're being run by the beige party whose only interest appears to be the grindingly tedious and irrelevant chit chat of their party ...... it's pure parish pump politics
What can be asserted without proof,
can be dismissed without proof.


   Thanks once again to Mk1 for a nice set of pics.    I wonder what will happen to the Longhill High Light when Jacksons Landing changes hands (if ever !)   Perhaps a condition should be made that it remains in situ or the developer be made to pay for removal and reconstruction at a suitable site if it has to go. Something to keep an eye on in the future.!!!!


There is no long-term 'vision' and that is part of the problem. The 'vision' changes almost weekly. At one time the 'vision' was The Marina, then it was Victoria Harbour....now it's to be at the heart of sea-based wind turbines which seems to be the current 'vision' of just about every town on the east coast....... who knows what it will be next week
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