That explains a lot.......

Started by mk1, April 02, 2014, 09: AM

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Jon Gaunt was once hailed as 'the monster who roars for coppers'. Certainly, the self-inflicted calamity which has befallen the Police Federation has at its heart his large and destructive presence.

'Gaunty' was the 'media expert' brought in by the Federation to help rank and file police officers take on the cost-cutting Coalition Government and its attempts to reform the police service.

Instead, his stratagems could now lead to the launch of an official inquiry into the Federation's leadership, which may result in a clear-out at the top.

At first, hiring Gaunt must have seemed a match made in heaven for the agitators of the Federation

We all know about about the problems that can be caused by a washed up motor-mouthed ex journo trying to recreate his salad days............