Parking at Seaton.

Started by Inspector Knacker, July 18, 2017, 08: AM

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Inspector Knacker

Last week at a meeting out of town, I had a talk with someone whose job was organising parking for large organisations and couldn't resist the opportunity to ask how parking charges were justified.
Basically he told me that it was only possible where volume of traffic was a problem, resulting in traffic restrictions such as yellow lines coming into to alleviate flows and the need then arises  for off road parking which has to be paid for and to introduce more use of public transport to help alleviate congestion.
Which begs the question why were parking charges introduced other than as a random act of taxation ? What benefit of any kind has Seaton gained from parking charges?
The greater use of public transport made me chuckle as well.
What can be asserted without proof,
can be dismissed without proof.