Democracy Through the Looking Glass

Started by steveL, October 18, 2016, 10: PM

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Do any other councils in our fair land have such measures in place?


So they are now pulling their 'We are innocent' face again and making out that someone is just making it up.

You couldn't make this it up!!  ::)

Let me guess how this will pan out.... The perspex screen won't make a public appearance next week.  During the seminar on Councillor security the issue will be raised and someone 'important'  from 'outside' the council will recommend a perspex screen is erected as a safety measure.  Screen will then appear at the next council meeting and will be justified with 'We are only acting on the recommendations of a very important person'.


You won't need two guesses to work out who proposed 'sectioning off' the public in council meetings.


Well if they're thinking of clamping down on security, he's my suggestion for Mr Cranney


I don't see how this holds up. Are they going to put screens up in committee rooms too and what about neighbourhood forums?

Lord Elpus

Quote from: SRMoore on October 19, 2016, 05: PM
You won't need two guesses to work out who proposed 'sectioning off' the public in council meetings.

Well if I was a betting man I place all my money on Mad Dog Cllr James, Second place would be SAB, I don't think CAB gives a toss about the threat from the public. 

I get the impression CAB has enough trouble in both his Council and his private life to be daft enough to even consider such a stupid idea.


Actually I was thinking CAB or SAB but now you come to mention it MJ does seem like the most likely option.


Quote from: Lord Elpus on October 19, 2016, 05: PM
I don't think CAB gives a toss about the threat from the public. 

CAB is the only one to have  actually been  assaulted by a 'member of the public'.
SAB is a complete wimp frightened of his own shadow. He cocked off on his plan to hold a parade to celebrate his greatness, ducked out of the employment tribunal and ran as fast as his fat ar*se allowed him when MRA imploded. His temper tantrum in the chamber when he thought his reputation was impugned is legend. A quivering jellyfish of a man.
At the Hospital meeting he was definitely wearing something under his shirt. There was a large flat plate in the middle of his back and his already enormous girth was noticeably larger than 'normal'-he was wearing a stab-vest.

Inspector Knacker

Does the Perspex carry the 'bulls**t proof' as opposed to 'bullet proof' label ?
What can be asserted without proof,
can be dismissed without proof.


Quote from: Lord Elpus on October 19, 2016, 05: PM
Quote from: SRMoore on October 19, 2016, 05: PM
You won't need two guesses to work out who proposed 'sectioning off' the public in council meetings.

Well if I was a betting man I place all my money on Mad Dog Cllr James, Second place would be SAB, I don't think CAB gives a toss about the threat from the public. 

I get the impression CAB has enough trouble in both his Council and his private life to be daft enough to even consider such a stupid idea.

Told you that you wouldn't need a second guess.


You need a screen when Mad Dog starts swearing at you. I met her once at the railway station with the docile bloke she always has in tow. I politely told her she was mistaken in some of her actions and she immediately lost all self-control. She let forth a tirade of expletives and there was spittle flying all over the place. A foul-mouthed harridan with no self control when challenged on anything.

fred c

Oh well....... thats my question to P Devlin for next weeks council meeting up the Suwannee

"Is the screen to protect councillors from members of the public, or, to protect members of the public from councillors" ?

The LabMob have dragged the town council down to the level of an amateur pantomime.


I'm really struggling to get my head around this one. I know the Labour group contains plenty of people who have a waist size bigger than their IQ, but surely there's literally no one foolish enough to even suggest this? Let alone to actually look to implement it.

It's completely bizarre.

I say this with all seriousness and with full respect for the issue of mental health, IF a sitting councillor has genuinely suggested that we need to erect a Perspex screen (or something of that nature) between the public and the councillors, I honestly feel that person should seek professional help.

Cognitive processing of that nature is extremely worrying. I say this with 100% honesty, knowing that the Labour group read this forum, I genuinely hope someone takes the person who has suggested this to one side and says "are you alright?"

I know the regular contributors to this forum like a laugh, myself included, but if this is true, the person who came up with genuinely has my sympathy.

They obviously need professional help.


I was told it was mad dog and that she also wants to stop neighbourhood forums.

The Council becomes more Stalinist (or is that now Corbynist?) every day. "Don't do what I do, do what I say!

Lord Elpus

I always remember when the Peer review presented their intitial findings in the Grand Hotel to group leaders, the issue of Mad Dog came up and was seen by all (including Officers and the leader of the Labour Group) as being a major problem for HBC.

It was decided that progress could not be made until the Labour Group had, and I quote, 'ditched the bitch'.

One Officer commented that every Labour Group leader he'd worked with saw her as a problem but was not able to get rid of her.