Mayor Referendum

Started by whatabouthisthen, July 12, 2012, 09: AM

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HBC are asking for your views on the question to go on the ballot paper.

Go to "Help shape your Council". There is also a link for you to cast your vote. There are only two options A) and B). I suggest you choose B). All option A) does is swap Drummond for SAB or, god forbid, Mz James.

Pre-posted hard copy forms and leaflets are obtainable from the Civic, libraries and community centres. HBC will not inform everybody because the cost would be too high (so I've been told). Your views have to be registered by 20th July, 2012 - be quick. HBC's and the Council's idea of democracy - only tell the people who will vote the way that you want them to!!

Do your stuff!


A more direct link is:

I'm a bit concerned about this because, as it stands, there is nothing to stop someone armed with a copy of the electoral role registering as many votes as they like. There is no telephone number requested so it doesn't look like anyone is making verification calls; it looks like the most that will happen is a glance at the electoral roll.

Not that we have any Councillors capable of doing such a thing...... ::)
Diplomacy is the ability to tell someone to go to hell in such a way that they look forward to the trip.


Anything but a labour party puppet in control.