dear, oh dear

Started by testing times, July 11, 2012, 03: PM

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testing times


Someone is missing the point


I think this post started about the NHS hosting car boot sales ......words fail me!!!


Re ...the proposed swop of a five star rated hospital  for the site of a car boot sale I cannot get my head around this!!!!!Are these unelected people taking the proverbial "Micky" and rubbing salt into a  deep wound inflicted by themselves?  They make my blood boil. If you take the combined salaries of Messrs Foster (£238,000, Garvin £50,000 and Oxley ,salary unknown,but  obviously substantial (I feel if their services were dispensed with we could not be in a worse mess) even at todays meagre interest rates we as a community would be far better off than £5k p.a !!!!.  I am sick of reading the clap trap coming from the mouths of Trust Officers "momemtum  pathways forward " or whatever.From my point of view  we (sorry "they") are going backwards at a fast rate of knots    A right sorry state of affairs. I wonder how long it will be before we see resignations appearing as the heat in the kitchen gets too hot.????

If they had listened to Prof.Darzii and developed two centres of excellence on the two sites (UHH and NTH)with A& E at both and shared skills at each site this whole debacle would not have occurred. It as become music hall joke (a very sad one at that) and at what heart ache and expense. Shame on them !!!

Finally I see the local rag(H/Pool Mail) in its editorial column tonight (12/7/12) has come out in support of the hospital and the misuse of the site.   Perhaps too little too late perhaps.

Inspector Knacker

A car boot sale...? they attract lots of punters and their cars who park anywhere and everwhere, so just how will visitors and ambulances access the site ....?
On a personal note, I never thought the day would come when I'd hold an hospital trust in such utter contempt and have such little faith in their ability..... just whose benefit is this supposed service ran for ...? Funny how they make things less accessible and parade it as a step forward .
What can be asserted without proof,
can be dismissed without proof.

The Great Dictator

I wonder if the hospital have a stall selling old equipment, i could do with a bed pan and an ar*e camera ?

Stig of the Seaton Dump

It makes a mockery of all the taxes we pay.

Isn't it something like the middle of June we have to work to before we have earned enough to pay our annual taxes.
I don't believe it.