Nigel Farage in Hartlepool

Started by beanzontoast, April 28, 2015, 09: AM

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Can't see him having any influence if nobody knows he's here! Or is Ukip following the old parties by only seeing their supporters?


Think he's at the Grand Hotel, seen a pic on facebook of him sat near a podium with about 20-30 members of the public in attendence, popular guy :P


Quote from: crisstw on April 28, 2015, 12: PM
Think he's at the Grand Hotel, seen a pic on facebook of him sat near a podium with about 20-30 members of the public in attendence, popular guy :P

The spare crowd is just a relection of UKIPs real support. The latest polls show them continuing to slide. Nigel knows the dream is over and  is hoping the result is narrow enough for a few UKIP seats to get him his long sought seat in the Lords. Once he gets that he will no longer be forced to sit in pubs with the great unwashed and  he can dine in stlye with his peers!


mk1, remember that poll when the real figures come through! :-*


UKIP will get three seats tops.

I reckon 'Nige' won't even win South Thanet.




What's that saying:
A fool and his money...? ;)


I rarely make an investment I don't get a return on.

3 seats tops.


ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
I'll give you good odds

Land Phil

Wise Owl, why do you think arrogance will win you votes ?

Speaking as a Seaton resident, having Tom Hind speak up on behalf of the ward or even have the courtesy to acknowledge emails might have given you half a reason to be cocky.

The lack of sincerity from UKIP councillors can't help me think they are a Trojan horse for something a lot worse than they are trying to convey. 


I don't speak for anyone except myself.
What you want is up to you.
I do know that you are on the back foot as regards UKIP, so don't single me out as a shoulder to lean on.
Good luck with your life


Landfill the councillor for Seaton has not received any of your emails, and accepts he is totally at fault, can you indicate what email address you used and the last date sent, please accept appologies.