HartlepoolPost Forum

Politics => Local Issues and Matters => Topic started by: craig finton on April 17, 2015, 01: PM

Title: Farage Fluffs It
Post by: craig finton on April 17, 2015, 01: PM
Whatever possessed Nigel Farage to have a pop at the audience during last night's televised debate? Talk about losing it. ::)

Title: Re: Farage Fluffs It
Post by: marky on April 17, 2015, 01: PM
He didn't do so well in the first debate either.His HIV remark went down like a lead balloon.


Title: Re: Farage Fluffs It
Post by: not4me on April 17, 2015, 01: PM
There have always been people who have s**t lives and desperately want someone else to blame for it. Check your history: Albanians, Jews and now 'Immigrants' - and there have always been parasitic politicians ready to feed on it.
Title: Re: Farage Fluffs It
Post by: ashamedtobebritish on April 18, 2015, 06: AM
I actually though Nigel was doing very well, until he opened his mouth about the audience, Not exactly his finest hour and frankly hes going to have to do abit better if he wants the support of the country behind him.

The man seems very intelligent just unfortunately his mouth seems to open before his brain catches up,

But we have to count our lucky stars.... He was the only one there who was actually using it.
Title: Re: Farage Fluffs It
Post by: getagrip on April 18, 2015, 07: AM
Nigel knows very well that the BBC tends to invite leftie types to these debates, there were a total of 58 Tory and UKIP supporters and 102 supporters of "left-leaning" parties. It's a tried and tested method of silencing people like Farage who just want to inject some common sense into all the political correctness. These Capchas are very difficult for us partially sighted people... :(
Title: Re: Farage Fluffs It
Post by: steveL on April 18, 2015, 08: AM
I think Dimbleby made it perfectly clear that the audience was NOT chosen by the BBC.

Whichever way you look at it, having a go at the audience was a stupid thing to do. I think Farage is paying the price for trying to control everything himself and trying to be the sole face of UKIP. He has very good PR skills but is terrified of allowing the membership a stage - with good reason. I'm not surprised the pressure is getting to him.
Title: Re: Farage Fluffs It
Post by: The Great Dictator on April 18, 2015, 11: AM
I like him, he speaks his mind.
Title: Re: Farage Fluffs It
Post by: mk1 on April 18, 2015, 12: PM
Quote from: The Great Dictator on April 18, 2015, 11: AM
I like him, he speaks his mind.

So he does not talk for very long then............
Title: Re: Farage Fluffs It
Post by: mk1 on April 18, 2015, 12: PM
Quote from: steveL on April 18, 2015, 08: AM
I think Dimbleby made it perfectly clear that the audience was NOT chosen by the BBC

No one can hear you. Minds are closed.
They opposed Nigel = they are lefties and it is all a commie plot.

The reality(UKIP are a minority group and as such are outnumbered by Lab/Con supporters) means nothing to them.
UKIP Press confrences are very tightly controlled affairs where those who are not supportive are not even allowed  in the room. There was a recent UKIP documentry where we saw  how journalists were being hand-picked to get to question Nigel and anyone  not considered a friend was barred from any contact with him. Farage is used to soft questions and he just can not understand why anyone should be allowed to boo of jeer him.

Title: Re: Farage Fluffs It
Post by: Jim Gillespie on April 18, 2015, 01: PM
I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry at some of the reactions Farage evokes.

Love him or loathe him, the man is simply stating the facts as they are.

For example, he is 100% correct when he says an extra 300,000 migrants is putting a strain on housing.  Of course it is, but the other 4 on the panel wouldn't even acknowledge that; instead they all turned on Farage as a racist (YAWN) and trying to cause division within our society.

Similar story with overseas aid.  Surely people in the UK, irrespective of their political persuasions, must all agree there is a fundamental problem with our society when we have 400 food banks, 25% of our children in poverty and loads of ex service people with health problems homeless on our streets - yet we give £10 billion per annum in foreign aid - some of that money going directly to countries who hate us.

I am very grateful to Farage for he is determining the agenda down in Westminster now and if it wasn't for him, the issues he raises would never be discussed by the other 3 leaders 
Title: Re: Farage Fluffs It
Post by: Mr.E on April 19, 2015, 04: PM
Election debate fix - BBC admits two out of three audience members were lefties
THE BBC has confirmed the hand-picked audience for last night's election debate WAS left-leaning – though Nigel Farage was booed for pointing this out.

http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/571208/Leader-s-election-debate-BBC-confirms-audience-WAS-left-leaning-as-Farage-claimed (http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/571208/Leader-s-election-debate-BBC-confirms-audience-WAS-left-leaning-as-Farage-claimed)

As for being a fringe part UKIP are taking in people from all sides because unlike others they admitt when they are wrong and deal with it unlike the other three who still have those employed after they were found out!

As for being the only people who don't/didn't like the Brussels gravy train pleas look at Tony Ben a Labour man of old but well regarded

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRO4eiK0H0Y (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRO4eiK0H0Y)

And the media has laws that it needs to abide by which the BBC and others did not!!

QuoteUKIP leader Nigel Farage has instructed the party's lawyers to act over BBC bias.

The BBC initially refused to disclose the political make-up of the audience but eventually released figures to Express online, which showed that the audience was Left-leaning.

Of the 200-strong audience, about 58 were Conservative or Ukip supporters, while about 102 backed Labour, the Lib Dems, SNP or Plaid Cymru, all Leftist parties. The remaining 40 described themselves as undecided.

The figures mean that just 29 per cent of the total audience were supporters of the Tories or Ukip.

The BBC has also faced a string of accusations of bias from the Tories.

It has been alleged that the Question Time audience is weighted towards Labour and the Tories accused the corporation of "bias" and "systematic exaggeration" after its coverage of the Chancellor's Autumn Statement last year.

http://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/571439/Ukip-lawyers-biased-BBC-Furious-Farage-war-Left-wing-debate-audience (http://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/571439/Ukip-lawyers-biased-BBC-Furious-Farage-war-Left-wing-debate-audience)
Title: Re: Farage Fluffs It
Post by: marky on April 19, 2015, 04: PM
Poor Nigel. He just never knows when it's best to stay quiet.
Title: Re: Farage Fluffs It
Post by: mk1 on April 19, 2015, 05: PM
Quote from: Mr.E on April 19, 2015, 04: PM
Election debate fix - BBC admits two out of three audience members were lefties
THE BBC has confirmed the hand-picked audience for last night's election debate WAS left-leaning – though Nigel Farage was booed for pointing this out.

Oh dear. It seems the Ukippers are not happy that they are taking a nose-dive in the polls and are thrashing about trying to blame everyone other than their policies for this fact.
Who but them would believe that  the debate should be 'balanced' so that they and their ilk are over-represented with a childishly stupid claim that it should be a left-right 50-50 split ?
Truth is the UK is not a right leaning country. UKIP better get used to this fact. The premature gloating and boasting they did a few months ago here is going to come back and haunt them when UKIP are drubbed in the election. From claims they would be the next Government then to  now saying the might get as many as 10 MPs! How quickly the dream fades.

QuoteAs for being a fringe part UKIP are taking in people from all sides

Err did you not say above UKIP were a party of the right?
If your claim is you are an inclusive party then you should have drawn support from the 'left' and the undecided audience members.
Why did this not happen? Is it because UKIP are a far-right fringe party?

The actual figures for the audience ratio:

Conservative 5

Labour 5

Lib Dem 4

Ukip 3


Green 2

Plaid 1.

This meant that just 36% of audience members swung to the right.

The government is made up of Con-Lib and they add up to 9.
If we take UKIP as a goverment supporting party then add 3 to make 12.

All the others come to only 10.
I think the audience was  overwhelming slanted towards the government and Labour were victims of a clear BBC bias.

The UKIP bully-Boys are on the back foot and  they are getting their excuses in early  for the looming electoral disaster.  The dream is over Nigel.

Title: Re: Farage Fluffs It
Post by: mk1 on April 19, 2015, 05: PM
By the way it appears UKIP are not confining their ire  to the BBC.

Here is the  whiney UKIP  list:

"In this case, the BBC gave the job to a polling company called ICM who are famous for getting everything about Ukip wrong and that I think was the mistake."

He said it wasn't the first time a BBC audience had been aggressive towards Ukip. He added: "The night of the by-election that Douglas Carswell won in Clacton with a landslide, there was a Ukip representative - Patrick O'Flynn - on Question Time in Clacton and the audience were deeply hostile to him."

He also repeated claims of a bias audience on Sky News saying: "From the off it was so completely obvious that we did not have an audience reflective of public opinion.

Not content with the above Nigel had to get one of his dog-whistle points over:

"Regardless of whether you are a Ukip supporter or not, this [immigration] is something that has a huge response in the public."

He must have forgot about 'Mowslems' and 'Yourope' in his anger!

There is also a very reasoned readers reply to the original article. It is hard to spot in the torrent of UKIP complaints:

This article is nonsensical. First of all, the BBC haven't 'admitted' anything - they've simply produced the formula used independently by ICM to construct a representative audience. Secondly, the 3 places out of 22 allocated to UKIP equates to 13.7%, which accurately reflects the average in current polling. Thirdly, many respondents to this article seem to be under the impression that there is a majority in favour of the right in Britain today; that simply isn't the case, however much you might want it to be so; remember that the Conservatives haven't won a majority at a general election since 1992. The majority in Britain is actually left of centre and a representative audience cannot be otherwise. Fourthly, the idea that the BBC these days has a leftward bias is laughable. As others have pointed out, Nigel Farage has had an astonishing number of appearances on Question Time, indeed he probably owes a great deal of his popularity to that. And finally, for the Express to criticise the BBC for bias is absurd, when the Express' owner has just donated over £1m to UKIP. One of the many great strengths of the BBC is that it cannot be bought by powerful interests. We own it and we can hold it to account.

He is wasting his time. The deluded Ukip followers just can not accept they are not as popular as they believe they should be. When faced with this reality they self-destruct.
Title: Re: Farage Fluffs It
Post by: craig finton on April 19, 2015, 07: PM
I don't think the UKIP bubble has burst; it's more like a slowly deflating balloon. The core vote of Neanderthals will remain solid but the extra votes needed from those who don't have massive chips on their shoulders will diminish over the next two weeks. The even spread of their support geographically is why the current poll of polls is suggesting that they'll only have one MP on May 8th.
Title: Re: Farage Fluffs It
Post by: Land Phil on April 19, 2015, 08: PM
Farage may have bluffed it but I believe Phillip Broughton is being a lot more slick and professional, switching on the right type of charm that appeals to the parochial Hartlepool voter that won't vote Conservative and doesn't want to vote Labour any more.

I am more of a hippie green myself but admit I don't believe they have a chance in Hartlepool.

Could the glossy leaflets, knocking on doors, giving a charm offensive put UKIP in power in Hartlepool and if in Hartlepool then how many other towns too.

I believe a fabulous independent councillor is brilliant for the town but even a super hero independent MP would amount to nothing.

I guess what I am saying is 2 things, an independent MP would be as much use as not having one (no noticeable change there then) and the voter with no real interest in politics will not be as logical in their choice as you think.
Title: Re: Farage Fluffs It
Post by: steveL on April 19, 2015, 08: PM
No I think there's a strategic error here. By making Farage almost the entire focus of their campaign, they have left themselves entirely dependent on his performance and under such pressure, he's now showing real signs of wobbling. There's over two weeks to go remember and Farage really can't waste time losing his temper or getting into silly arguments about audiences.
Title: Re: Farage Fluffs It
Post by: DRiddle on April 19, 2015, 08: PM
It's never a good idea for a 'politician' to lose his or her temper with the audience. Mr Cranney being a good example of that.

I use the word politician very loosely of course.

Farage seems intent on the marmite approach to campaigning. I guess he's hoping there's 70% of the vote split a number of ways, and UKIPS 30% (if indeed they get anywhere near that kind of number consistently) could carry them home in some marginals.

It's certainly hotting up as we approach May 7th.

Title: Re: Farage Fluffs It
Post by: mk1 on April 19, 2015, 08: PM
Quote from: DRiddle on April 19, 2015, 08: PM

Farage seems intent on the marmite approach to campaigning. I guess he's hoping there's 70% of the vote split a number of ways, and UKIPS 30% (if indeed they get anywhere near that kind of number consistently) could carry them home in some marginals. .

UKIP Poll results are much lower than that. The last poll showed them up at 17% but it is considered a 'rogue poll' because on average they are at the 13% mark. The dream is over and all that is left is for Farage to sell UKIP to the Tories in exchange for a seat in the Lords.
Title: Re: Farage Fluffs It
Post by: steveL on April 19, 2015, 08: PM
The BBC has them on 12% today - interestingly, a 2% dip immediately after Nigel's pop at the audience.

Title: Re: Farage Fluffs It
Post by: beanzontoast on April 20, 2015, 10: AM
Nigel Farage is exhausted, the party has been under intense scrutiny by the media, the topical debates like question time are constant in it's negative aproach to UKIP, the last televised debate was no different, it was a stich up for UKIP as the last few seconds of the debate proved, a picture in national papers flagged up the same  isolated position UKIP and it's people's army have to endure on a daily basis.
Title: Re: Farage Fluffs It
Post by: steveL on April 20, 2015, 02: PM
What you need is a new PR man. Unfortunately, Goebbels shot himself; he was a bad loser too - not very British.
Title: Re: Farage Fluffs It
Post by: beanzontoast on April 20, 2015, 03: PM
Here we go again  as I said its reletless, there was a good quote from a subscriber to this forum which read if you keep doing the aame thing you will get the same result, the people of Hartlepool have been voting for labour for some time on may 7th they may come to realize their error or dosent bancrupting a country go far enough for you.
Title: Re: Farage Fluffs It
Post by: mk1 on April 20, 2015, 03: PM
Quote from: beanzontoast on April 20, 2015, 03: PM
or dosent bancrupting a country go far enough for you.

I thought the Bankers are the people who brough the country to its knees?
Title: Re: Farage Fluffs It
Post by: WiseOwl on April 20, 2015, 05: PM
Cleggy never said sorry to lying about student grants...  remember the riots???
Cleggy and DC never said sorry for lying about immigration down to single figures
DC never got arrested for being corrupt at allowing lots of rich wealthy folk to pay his party £50,000 each and every year to peruse political objectives and have a bite with the fop.
Nigel Farage is highlighted for err telling the truth which BBC have admitted???
Milliband has not mentioned weighing down the NHS with PFI for the next 25 years costing them many BILLIONS

The author either ignored this or was blissfully aware of it and bitched just for the sake of it :-*

How sad of you ;D
Title: Re: Farage Fluffs It
Post by: mk1 on April 20, 2015, 05: PM
Quote from: WiseOwl on April 20, 2015, 05: PM

Nigel Farage is highlighted for err telling the truth which BBC have admitted???

That is a straight out lie. Farage was booed and heckled and like the egomaniac he is  refused to accept it might be because he is unpopular with the public at large. The UKIP 15% poll ratings show that you are not as popular as you like to claim. Deal with reality instead of blaming others for your failure.

The BBC used a balanced audience and when you are down at under 20% that means 80% do not like you.

By the way when did Nigel say sorry for getting caught shifting his money abroad (in his brothers name) to avoid paying his share of taxes?
Title: Re: Farage Fluffs It
Post by: WiseOwl on April 20, 2015, 05: PM
Lies or truth, I know it's a tough one.
I prefer the truth
Title: Re: Farage Fluffs It
Post by: mk1 on April 20, 2015, 05: PM
Lies come in many forms.
For instance a man is asked by his wife if he has slept with a list of 7 women.
He replies 'I have not slept with one of those women'.
His wife walks away happy but  really what she should have asked is which of the 7 is the one  he has not slept with.
All Politicians lie. UKIP is a political party and so UKIP politicians lie.
Title: Re: Farage Fluffs It
Post by: marky on April 20, 2015, 05: PM
"Cleggy never said sorry to lying about student grants...  "  Oh yes he did


....or you can have the musical version


either way you're wrong
Title: Re: Farage Fluffs It
Post by: Mr.E on April 20, 2015, 07: PM
If you want hidden dangers Might I suggest you look at the green party's leader!

Please do a search on Jim Jepps, who is the long standing boyfriend of Natalie Bennett.

Jepp has some ideas and speaks his mind on stating that teachers shouldn't be put on the sex offenders register for sleeping with their pupils! among other things, including saying there is no such thing as rape!

Green party leader Natalie Bennett has been forced to distance herself from a bizarre online site run by her boyfriend.

Jim Jepps used a blog called The Daily Maybe or something similar, to defend 'rape fantasies', describe paedophiles as 'complex human beings' and question why teachers who have relationships with pupils are put on the sex offenders register.

The couple met five years ago when Ms Bennett contacted him to correct something he had written about her, but now the Green party stresses they do not 'want to be associated' with his internet rants.

And he will be the person behind Bennett pulling her strings!
Title: Re: Farage Fluffs It
Post by: mk1 on April 20, 2015, 07: PM
Quote from: Mr.E on April 20, 2015, 07: PM

And he will be the person behind Bennett pulling her strings!

Do you think he is plucking her?
Title: Re: Farage Fluffs It
Post by: Johnny Bongo on April 20, 2015, 10: PM
Quote from: Mr.E on April 20, 2015, 07: PM
If you want hidden dangers Might I suggest you look at the green party's leader!

Please do a search on Jim Jepps, who is the long standing boyfriend of Natalie Bennett.

Jepp has some ideas and speaks his mind on stating that teachers shouldn't be put on the sex offenders register for sleeping with their pupils! among other things, including saying there is no such thing as rape!

Green party leader Natalie Bennett has been forced to distance herself from a bizarre online site run by her boyfriend.

Jim Jepps used a blog called The Daily Maybe or something similar, to defend 'rape fantasies', describe paedophiles as 'complex human beings' and question why teachers who have relationships with pupils are put on the sex offenders register.

The couple met five years ago when Ms Bennett contacted him to correct something he had written about her, but now the Green party stresses they do not 'want to be associated' with his internet rants.

And he will be the person behind Bennett pulling her strings!

Sounds to me like he's a 'deep cover' operative for some other political party/ Bilderberg group....who are, amongst other 'campaigns/ objectives, Groups, trying (succeeding) to infiltrate the Greens with the intention of undermining their policies/ ideas, whilst interjecting their own 'intentions' (via Jim Jepps) through 'pillow talk', etc, with the 'result' being that the Greens remain a minority party with NO influence!  If she falls for all of this (as it seems she has) then she really is 'GREEN!
If you think all of this sounds far-fetched, then all I can suggest is to do some research!
Title: Re: Farage Fluffs It
Post by: WiseOwl on April 21, 2015, 08: AM
Where on the clip you so kindly provided does Cleggy say he lied?
Couldn't keep a promise is a world away from saying he lied.
Get your parents to explain what a lie is and get to school
Title: Re: Farage Fluffs It
Post by: mk1 on April 21, 2015, 01: PM
Quote from: WiseOwl on April 21, 2015, 08: AM
Where on the clip you so kindly provided does Cleggy say he lied?
Couldn't keep a promise is a world away from saying he lied.
Get your parents to explain what a lie is and get to school

Not that I am defending Clegg but a lie is not promising something and then finding out you can not carry it through. A lie is promising something you have no intention of delivering. Your strict definition of a lie means no one could ever  be thwarted (or even change their mind) without being accused on mendacity.
Title: Re: Farage Fluffs It
Post by: marky on April 21, 2015, 03: PM
My parents are both dead but thanks for reminding me. a*r**o**.
Title: Re: Farage Fluffs It
Post by: getagrip on April 21, 2015, 09: PM
Title: Re: Farage Fluffs It
Post by: steveL on April 21, 2015, 09: PM
Fascinating read and I quite agree. All of you of Roman, Angle, Saxon, Viking, Norman descent should p**s off back to where you all came from and leave Britain to us Ancient Brits. Bloody immigrants.   ;)
Title: Re: Farage Fluffs It
Post by: mk1 on April 21, 2015, 10: PM
Quote from: getagrip on April 21, 2015, 09: PM

As one of the few who  actually read the whole thread I see the same old anti-EU/anti Immigrant tirades from people who simple will not accept the reality that they are a minority party. They foolishly believe that they are 'the majority' and they will not tolerate any criticism. The standard ED=red=marxist= communist dog-whistle phrases permeat the thread and you almost feel sorry for the people who see their dream of a spiteful intolerant and cruel UK fading with every opinion poll. The thread that sums up these cretins is the one supporting Katy Hopkins. She recently said she would use gunships to deal with the Med immigrant ships and they all  rush to defend her.
I do not really care about these cavemen. Their balloon is pricked and they are not going to be in a position to make smoking compulsory. Yesterdays men unable to deal with their looming demise.
Title: Re: Farage Fluffs It
Post by: getagrip on April 22, 2015, 08: AM
"Their dream of a spiteful intolerant and cruel UK" ??? Are you talking about, say, the Green Party MK!? Their oppressive regime is not too tolerant in Brighton, for example. Here is an example of left wing political correctness and thought-policing in action -

Title: Re: Farage Fluffs It
Post by: WiseOwl on April 22, 2015, 10: AM
My parents are both dead, so I have learned from what questions they would have asked.
Tell the truth and shame the devil
We couldn't fulfil that promise because... that's an excuse not an apology.
The Westminster bubble establishment parties lie and sometimes tell the truth by accident.
No wonder people are being driven away from lying politicians when a mouth piece of anti freedom can't tell a lie from an effing big elephant!
Title: Re: Farage Fluffs It
Post by: mk1 on April 22, 2015, 12: PM
Quote from: getagrip on April 22, 2015, 08: AM
"Their dream of a spiteful intolerant and cruel UK" ??? Are you talking about, say, the Green Party MK!?

No. I am talking about UKIP.

Ukip candidate apologises over Twitter message calling victims of Mediterranean refugee crisis 'Labour's floating voters'
