Wilcox Back in Court

Started by admin, June 10, 2015, 11: AM

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fred c

When you make a pan of oxtail soup you often get a frothy sort of coating on the surface that you need to spoon off...... i think my mom used to call it scum........ there must have been an awful lot of oxtail soup made in MRA.

The true measure of Hartlepool  Constiuency Labour Party is the fact not one of them have publicly condemed Wilcox or offered any words of Support or Encouragement  to the Manor 4.

The 2 councillors aka. "Trustees" S Akers Belcher & Beck should hang their heads in shame for abdicating their responsibilities at MRA.

Could anyone of us Imagine "Going OverThe Top" with either of those individuals, we would be in no mans land dodging muck & bullets & they would be sitting in the trenches.

Only in Hartlepool & Only Under Hartlepool Labour


Sometimes i feel like im waiting for something thats never going to happen. Closure is what we need so alot of us can move on.


She has already pleaded guilty to several of the charges. Even if the jury believe her laughable defence for the last couple of charges she is till going down for the first lot.
It is just a question of how many of her former comrades she craps on as she is dragged screaming to the cells......

Lucy Lass-Tick

Seems that Ms Wilcox has pleaded 'not guilty' to the remaining charges - the trial date is expected to be a couple of months hence!


Here is the 'Robin Hood' defence in another case.
He still ended up in jail!


Self-styled 'Robin Hood' who stole £50,000 of public cash and handed it over in the form of additional housing benefit is jailed for 18 months
Steven Shaw made illicit payments to people without their knowledge
Shaw, 36, did not make one penny himself from the three-year scam
One woman benefited by £776 while other received an additional £9,000
Swindon Crown Court heard Shaw gave the cash to 'struggling' people