Our MP and the Brexit vote

Started by Hartlepudlion, January 15, 2019, 10: PM

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He voted against the deal.

Party before constituents?


Quote from: Hartlepudlion on January 15, 2019, 10: PM
He voted against the deal.

Party before constituents?

There appears to be some confusion about the vote.

It was not a vote about leaving but a vote on May's version of leaving. The MPs voted against her plan and not against leaving.
The die-hard 'you-rope' hating Brexiteers voted her down because they want an extreme cut-all-ties-with Europe break and the remainers because they wanted a 'softer' leave with more ties to Europe. It would be wrong to portray it as a victory for Jacob-Ress-Johnson and his gang of crazies.

Lucy Lass-Tick

Absolutely - the vote was just on May's version - heaven only knows where this is going.


Quote from: Lucy Lass-Tick on January 16, 2019, 12: PM
Absolutely - the vote was just on May's version - heaven only knows where this is going.

Sadly possibly going backwards thousands of years with the breakup of the 'United Kingdom' towards the start of the dark ages just like after tribes being civilised by the Romans then reverting back to type after their downfall. It will take a millennia to get over Brexit divisions whatever finally occurs.

Inspector Knacker

Happily, I''m a devotee of the Micawber school of politics and firmly believe something will turn up.
Politics is only theatre without the music or talent.
As for our dear member, he'll obediently follow the herd, an obedient MP (to the Party) is any happy MP.
What can be asserted without proof,
can be dismissed without proof.


Harp on long as you wish. The "common merkal" oh sorry bit futuristic market, which allowed rich people to , well, get richer. At our expense. We had the "EEU, European Economic Communion, which allowed rich people to, well, get richer. The European Union, which allowed the rich people, well, get richer. So all in all, history, being what it is, tends to repeat itself. Hence, Brexit, Remain = millions of lost lives over decades , sacrificed for sweet fa , in order that the rich, well, get richer. Check out the hereditary of the past. To close, nothing did we bring into this world and nought shalt be teking owt, lad. That, is how it is.
Keep well and keep safe.


The rich get richer and the poor get poorer is the way of the world. In the EU or out of the EU it will never change. Anyone who thinks Rees-Mogg's new de-regulated UK will improve the lot of 'the poor' is deluded.

Gustaf I of England + BWH

Quote from: mk1 on January 16, 2019, 09: PM
Anyone who thinks Rees-Mogg's new de-regulated UK will improve the lot of 'the poor' is deluded.

Yes Mk1, but they'll be 'Our' poor and they'll be 'Our' responsibility and the rich ones in charge (through their control of the politicians) won't be able to pass the buck and blame 'Johnny Foreigner' for all our ills...

Not that that will stop them trying of course.


Quote from: mk1 on January 16, 2019, 09: PM
The rich get richer and the poor get poorer is the way of the world. In the EU or out of the EU it will never change. Anyone who thinks Rees-Mogg's new de-regulated UK will improve the lot of 'the poor' is deluded.
We could really use a champion, forces or otherwise, but a true and just, champion, I consider this could be a roll you could (if you wish) fulfil Sir. The best of wishes always Sir.

Inspector Knacker

He is here to represent the Party.
He is here to smile a lot and say nice uncontroversial things.
He is here to keep the Party profile nice and benign.
He is here to keep the seat warm.
He is here.
He could be replaced with a cardboard cut out. He rose without trace and when ordered to, will sink without trace. A non controversial servant of the Party. No rebel.
What can be asserted without proof,
can be dismissed without proof.


Quote from: Inspector Knacker on January 19, 2019, 08: AM
He is here to represent the Party.
He is here to smile a lot and say nice uncontroversial things.
He is here to keep the Party profile nice and benign.
He is here to keep the seat warm.
He is here.
He could be replaced with a cardboard cut out. He rose without trace and when ordered to, will sink without trace. A non controversial servant of the Party. No rebel.
;D ;D